Monday, March 15, 2021

San Francisco is DYING: homelessness, crime & the 2021 collapse

CA 5 San Francisco is DYING: homelessness, crime & the 2021 collapse 28,852 views •Jan 29, 2021 850 57 Share Save Wes Roth San Francisco’s problems have been slowly growing over time. Some blame the Tech companies, some blame the leadership, which is sometimes deemed overly progressive even by California standards. However, there might be a hidden reason why the city can’t seem to solve its problems. San Francisco has been overwhelmingly Democratic since the 1950s. The last Republican mayor won an election in 1956. For the longest time the leaders talked about doing something to help out the poor and the homeless, but any attempts to build affordable housing was turned down as “gentrification”. The city has a strict limit on housing which increases real estate prices to astronomical levels. Homeowners who fight against high-density housing, often referred to as NIMBYs or “not it my back yard”, are sometimes seen as the scapegoats for why areas like Marin country cannot get affordable housing. The rich landowners do well as the housing prices rise, the poor have to move out. Many who can’t afford to buy or rent, end up living on the streets. Bay area, perhaps the world’s largest tech hub, has seen a vast majority of its tech elite fleeing the city and taking advantage of the new ‘work from home’ programs as well as the less expensive real estate available elsewhere. Businesses are also leaving in droves. Pinterest, a large social media network, paid $90M in August to break a lease on a new 500,000 sq ft office that it no longer needs. Many other businesses both tech and otherwise are closing the San Francisco offices and leaving for good. San Francisco is now facing a massive financial challenge. San Francisco alone has a $13 billion dollar budget, which is larger than many other US states. And in 2020 facing a 1.7 billion dollar deficit, which will get worse in 2021. 406 Comments Auggie Giuseppe Add a public comment... NewDisciple NewDisciple 6 days ago Nancy Pelosi likes being surrounded by guards so either pitch your tent around her house or put her in prison. 45 Aldrin Solco Aldrin Solco 1 month ago That woman is absolutely delusional 78 Anti- Social Anti- Social 3 weeks ago Blame Republicans! Democrats have been running this crap hole for years. 😂😂 60 halifaxx55 halifaxx55 1 month ago I walked around the city tonight. I just feel like this city is going downhill fast. There is depression in so many people's faces. So many places are closed, closing. 44 Colette Jonopulos Colette Jonopulos 6 days ago Nancy should turn her mansion into a homeless shelter. She could hand out designer ice cream while explaining how she does everything for her constituents. 20 Kevin Joseph Kevin Joseph 1 month ago I don't know who that woman is talking towards the beginning of the video but she is part of the problem in this city. I have lived here for over 20 years in the city, not outside of the city, and have seen all the changes as they have slowly happened. This beautiful city has been allowed to turn into a s**t hole, literally. The open drug dealing and using to the over population of homeless people constantly coming in from other cities and states. The city has done nothing about the problem. They have just talked about it and taken absolutely no action. I would sure like to know where all that money goes that they're supposedly using to help people because i can tell you this, it hasn't went to what it was intended for. I pay a very high tax rate in california to live here and I am starting to reconsider it for once in my life.

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