Thursday, July 29, 2021

Roberta Sá e Yamandú Costa | "Modinha" Roberta Sá e Yamandú Costa | "Modinha" 551,165 views Aug 31, 2015 10K 160 Share Save Roberta Sá Oficial 158K subscribers Lançado em 2009, o DVD "Pra Se Ter Alegria" contou com participações muito especiais. Neste vídeo, Roberta Sá interpreta "Modinha", canção de Tom Jobim e Vinícius de Morais, acompanhada pelo violão de Yamandú Costa. Saiba mais em: Assista: Curta: Siga: 276 Comments Auggie Giuseppe Add a public comment... Lidia Maia Lidia Maia 10 months ago Música e artistas que dão orgulho ao Brasil. Ainda bem que ainda temos isso...pra nos confortar 35 Jones Gonçalves Jones Gonçalves 3 years ago Esse Yamandú....queria que minhas duas mãos fizessem música que só um dedo dele faz. Soberbos os dois. Parabéns. 76 Rita Côre Rita Côre 5 years ago E ele ainda insere Vila Lobos no solo! Que dupla...Ouve-se o dia inteiro,sem cansar! 103 Leon d'Este Leon d'Este 1 year ago Nossa música é um absurdo de linda,e felizmente existe a internet também à preservá-la...e almas sensíveis à apreciá-la... 70 Gilmar D. M. Gilmar D. M. 5 months ago Voz perfeita, ela não precisa nem de acompanhamento instrumental, me lembrou a Elis Regina. 5 Jean-Michel Chartier Jean-Michel Chartier 1 year ago Que c'est beau...Quelle belle quel magnifique accompagnement de Yamandu... Merci à vous deux..♥♥ 73 Carlos Savio Carlos Savio 4 years ago Que voz! Que violão! Pura arte brasileira! 59 jsphotos jsphotos 2 years ago (edited) Portuguese Modinha Não pode mais meu coração Viver assim dilacerado Escravizado a uma ilusão Que é só desilusão Ah, não seja a vida sempre assim Como um luar desesperado A derramar melancolia em mim Poesia em mim Vai, triste canção, sai do meu peito E semeia a emoção Que chora dentro do meu coração Coração. English translation Ballad My heart can no longer Live so ravaged Enslaved to an illusion That is just disappointment Ah, life is not always so As a desperate moonlight To pour melancholy into me Poetry in me It will, sad song, come out of my chest And sow the excitement That cries inside my heart Heart. 19 Aloisio Dantas Aloisio Dantas 8 months ago O que posso dizer desses dois: dois jovens gênios da música brasileira . Que beleza! 13 José Mauricio Paes de Oliveira José Mauricio Paes de Oliveira 1 year ago Essa voz é uma coisa inexplicável. Esse violão arrebata a gente 26 Nilton Cirqueira Nilton Cirqueira 1 year ago uma dupla da mais refinada alma musical o Brasil. Genialidade sem limites. 8 Ricardo Moraes-Pinto Ricardo Moraes-Pinto 1 year ago Ouvi "Modinha" com muitos cantores e músicos acompanhantes. Esta é a melhor das versões que já ouvi. Perfeita! Obrigado aos dois. Meu coração e alma agradecem. 24 RACHEL CHEVALIER DE CASTRO RACHEL CHEVALIER DE CASTRO 1 week ago ohhhh - que violão e que interpretação e que composição ... ohhhhhh! Mario Moura Mario Moura 2 years ago Ouvindo esta música numa noite de lua bem longe da nossa terra (uns 10.000 km). Sempre, sempre procuro ouvir os dois poetas Jobim e Vinicius. Mas êstes dois cantando músicas dêles o meu cora,cão derrete e olha sou caipira, desbravador de florestas (geólogo). Voz terna, violão virtuoso, no meio da floresta e vendo a lua: esta música me derrete mesmo! 17 jsphotos jsphotos 4 years ago This is a PERFECT collaboration! Magic! 36 Caetano Paulini Caetano Paulini 10 months ago ISSO É CANTAR!!!!!!!! ISSO É SOM DE VIOLÃO, ACOMPANHAMENTO ESPETACULAR!!!!!!! E TEM GENTE (BEM POUCA GENTE) QUE DEFENDE UM CERTO ""GAIATO SEM VOZ"", QUE TOCA UM VIOLÃOZINHO MIXURUCA E QUER BOTAR BANCA!!!!! PARABÉNS ROBERTA,,,BRAVÍSSIMO YAMANDÚ...... 4 Lucrecia García Lucrecia García 7 months ago Que feeling , preciosa interpretación 3 Akira Uema Akira Uema 4 years ago Roberta, menina! Você canta MUITO! 17 Elder Lourenço - Biomusica Elder Lourenço - Biomusica 8 months ago Sente um verdadeiro encontro de voz e violão. Bravos. 5 Maria Aparecida Serrano de Oliveira Maria Aparecida Serrano de Oliveira 8 months ago Viva a música brasileira. Viva os artistas brasileiros. Pelo menos na arte da música não verás país como este. 2 troubleclef troubleclef 5 years ago breathtaking 55 Regina Aroca Regina Aroca 1 year ago Roberta Sá e Yamandu. Chorei ! Obg por esse alívio. Estamos sofrendo muito. 6 Adalberto Chabbouh Adalberto Chabbouh 1 year ago Bravíssimo... emocionado aqui... lindo demais... 7 lray1234 lray1234 7 months ago Music like this shows Brazil is the equal of any culture in the world in terms of pure artistry 2 IAN GAMER SILVA IAN GAMER SILVA 3 years ago Sabes q eu já conhecia essa canção desde de criaça, mas nunca havia me sentido tão tocada até ter ciência de tal versão. Obrigada por me proporcinar uma emoção tão profunda e plena. 3 GlenStace GlenStace 1 year ago The nasal style I know is characteristic of female Brazilian singers but I wonder how she would sound with a little less of that. And I love Roberta Sa!

Roberta Sá - Fogo de Palha

Roberta Sá - Fogo de Palha 292,602 views Jun 12, 2019 6.4K 82 Share Save Roberta Sá Oficial 158K subscribers (Gilberto Gil - Roberta Sá) Faixa do CD "Giro" (Rosa Produções / Deck) ouça aqui: Inscreva-se no canal: ---- Se é fogo de palha Ou vai virar paixão Não me deixe só agora Segure a minha mão Que a sanfona tá chorando E a lua clareando a nossa união Se a paixão não pega É o amor que pega sim Mesmo que “cê” vá embora O xodó nunca tem fim Sempre há de chegar a hora De ver você de novo aqui no meu jardim É assim com todo mundo Com nós dois também será Quando o amor é verdadeiro Quando o afeto é bem sincero Não há como se livrar Mesmo se é fogo de palha O bicho quando se espalha Tudo em volta vai queimar Roberta Sá – voz e vocal Gilberto Gil - violão Bem Gil - guitarra Alberto Continentino - baixo Domenico Lancellotti - bateria e percussão Milton Guedes - flauta e assobio Banda Giro – arranjo de base produção do CD "Giro": Bem Gil #FogoDePalha Music in this video Learn more Listen ad-free with YouTube Premium Song Fogo de Palha Artist Roberta Sá Licensed to YouTube by UNIAO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORAS DE MUSICA - UBEM, BMI - Broadcast Music Inc., LatinAutorPerf, and 1 Music Rights Societies Song Fogo de Palha Artist Roberta Sá Album Giro Licensed to YouTube by Deckdisc (on behalf of Deckdisc); LatinAutorPerf, UNIAO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORAS DE MUSICA - UBEM, BMI - Broadcast Music Inc., and 1 Music Rights Societies

Roberta Sá e Yamandú Costa | "Modinha"

Roberta Sá e Yamandú Costa | "Modinha" 551,163 views Aug 31, 2015 10K 160 Share Save Roberta Sá Oficial 158K subscribers Lançado em 2009, o DVD "Pra Se Ter Alegria" contou com participações muito especiais. Neste vídeo, Roberta Sá interpreta "Modinha", canção de Tom Jobim e Vinícius de Morais, acompanhada pelo violão de Yamandú Costa. Saiba mais em: Assista: Curta: Siga: 276 Comments Auggie Giuseppe Add a public comment... Lidia Maia Lidia Maia 10 months ago Música e artistas que dão orgulho ao Brasil. Ainda bem que ainda temos isso...pra nos confortar 35 Jones Gonçalves Jones Gonçalves 3 years ago Esse Yamandú....queria que minhas duas mãos fizessem música que só um dedo dele faz. Soberbos os dois. Parabéns. 76 Rita Côre Rita Côre 5 years ago E ele ainda insere Vila Lobos no solo! Que dupla...Ouve-se o dia inteiro,sem cansar! 103 Leon d'Este Leon d'Este 1 year ago Nossa música é um absurdo de linda,e felizmente existe a internet também à preservá-la...e almas sensíveis à apreciá-la... 70 Gilmar D. M. Gilmar D. M. 5 months ago Voz perfeita, ela não precisa nem de acompanhamento instrumental, me lembrou a Elis Regina. 5 Jean-Michel Chartier Jean-Michel Chartier 1 year ago Que c'est beau...Quelle belle quel magnifique accompagnement de Yamandu... Merci à vous deux..♥♥ 73 Carlos Savio Carlos Savio 4 years ago Que voz! Que violão! Pura arte brasileira! 59 jsphotos jsphotos 2 years ago (edited) Portuguese Modinha Não pode mais meu coração Viver assim dilacerado Escravizado a uma ilusão Que é só desilusão Ah, não seja a vida sempre assim Como um luar desesperado A derramar melancolia em mim Poesia em mim Vai, triste canção, sai do meu peito E semeia a emoção Que chora dentro do meu coração Coração. English translation Ballad My heart can no longer Live so ravaged Enslaved to an illusion That is just disappointment Ah, life is not always so As a desperate moonlight To pour melancholy into me Poetry in me It will, sad song, come out of my chest And sow the excitement That cries inside my heart Heart.

Roberta Sá, António Zambujo e Yamandú Costa | "Eu Já Não Sei"

CA 9+ Roberta Sá, António Zambujo e Yamandú Costa | "Eu Já Não Sei" 4,233,460 views Aug 31, 2015 44K 1K Share Save Roberta Sá Oficial 158K subscribers Lançado em 2009, o DVD "Pra Se Ter Alegria" contou com participações muito especiais. Neste vídeo, Roberta Sá, António Zambujo, Yamandú Costa e Ricardo Cruz interpretam "Eu Já Não Sei", canção de Domingos Gonçalves Costa e Carlos Rocha. Saiba mais em: Assista: Curta: Siga: 1,466 Comments Auggie Giuseppe Add a public comment... Rômulo Bezerra Rômulo Bezerra 1 year ago Como eu amo essa união Brasil/Portugal. Tenho orgulho de pertencer a este lindo universo lusófono. Amo Portugal, mesmo sem conhecê-lo! Sempre que possível, mostro a todos algo sobre o país. Ao ouvir esta música choro de saudade da minha terra que não conheço. :( Podíamos ser uma só nação! Abraço fraternal aos queridos irmãos portugueses! 341 Eugene Olson Jiménez Eugene Olson Jiménez 2 years ago (edited) Muero mil veces seguidas escuchando tanta Belleza!! Que vivan por siempre Brasil y Portugal !! Tao o como tem falado um inteletual do México, meu país, Deus fizo muito, muito eforzo (nao tengo c con cedilha) pra criar a o povo brasileiro! E eu tambem diría que pra criar a o povo portugués e ainda pra juntalos agora. Obrigada por tanta beleza. . . Me perdoa o meu pobre portoñol 😘 463 Martti Suomivuori Martti Suomivuori 1 year ago (edited) OMG this is beautiful. Sou finlandes, eu nao comprendo nada mas isto eu amo. 137 Christian Erazo Christian Erazo 1 year ago Sou colombiano e adoro a cultura lusofona! Saudações irmaõs brasileiros e portugueses, abraços latinos! Obrigado pela linda musica. 623 erica ericat erica ericat 2 years ago Esses 400 que não gostaram deveriam ser motivo de estudo... 26 Rafael Leandro Rafael Leandro 2 years ago É bonito ver o respeito pela língua portuguesa quando dois países irmãos como Portugal e Brasil se unem numa tão linda canção! Zambujo é do melhor que temos em Portugal e Roberta de Sá excelente cantora brasileira.

Waldir Azevedo, o mestre do cavaquinho (Pedacinhos do céu)

Waldir Azevedo, o mestre do cavaquinho (Pedacinhos do céu) 879,483 views Aug 18, 2011 11K 298 Share Save CumparsitaLa 4.8K subscribers Imagens e música (Pedacinhos do céu) de Waldir Azevedo, músico, compositor brasileiro, virtuose do cavaquinho. 381 Comments Auggie Giuseppe Add a public comment... marcia rios marcia rios 8 months ago Saudades de meu pai. Tocava isto divinamente! Quantas vezes acordei na madrugada ouvindo ele tocar este chorinho. 57 Andre Rosenweiss Andre Rosenweiss 9 months ago Isso aí não é um pedacinho do céu não! É o céu inteiro! Gênio! 45 neo temper neo temper 1 year ago (edited) Lamento só dar um like por essa obra de arte. Uma música dessa você ouve,duas,três vezes,e não cansa de repetir. Essa música pela perfeição,pela linda melodia,pela qualidade, um milhão de likes não é o suficiente. Nasci há 35 anos,aprendi que não existe música antiga, porque o que é bom é e será sempre moderno e atemporal!

Chega de Saudade

CA 9+ Chega de Saudade 78,694 views Apr 1, 2007 Like Dislike Share Save Ed Saindon 1.94K subscribers NEW FROM VIC FIRTH: THE ED SAINDON VIBRAPHONE & MARIMBA MALLET (M38) We just finalized the design for my new signature model mallet by Vic Firth. The mallet features a weighted core, two varying layers of latex and tightly wrapped thin yarn. I was looking to create an all purpose mallet for vibes and marimba that sounded good from playing solo to performing with a band. The mallet creates a very big sound, sounds fat and round while still retaining clarity at all dynamic levels. For more information, please go here: Ed Saindon performing Jobim's Chega de Saudade from a concert on April 1, 2004 in Boston. The concert was part of Percussion Week at Berklee College of Music and was a tribute to Gary Burton presented for Gary's retirement from the college. The band features Larry Baione on guitar, David Clark on bass and Ron Savage on drums. For more videos, go to Ed Saindon's new recording Depth of Emotion featuring Dave Liebman can he heard at: Ed Saindon's latest CD is Depth of Emotion from World Improvised Music which features the blend of Dave Liebman's soprano along with Ed Saindon's vibes, piano and marimba. The quartet's focus is on group dialogue, improvisation, and spontaneity played with an extreme dynamic range. The repertoire focuses on original compositions that evoke a wide range of emotions for the listener. The music can best be described as contemporary jazz that ranges from delicate lyricism to intense, virtuosic displays played with abandon. Ejazznews review of Depth of Emotion published January, 01, 2008: "Crafting a unique blend of contemporary jazz, pianist Ed Saindon and saxophonist Dave Liebman offer a session of cutting edge music with intelligent charts and spontaneous improvisation to produce a quality recording with "Depth of Emotion." Saindon, who not only plays the piano, but is also a four mallet vibist and plays the marimba as well, is featured as co-leader with Liebman who performs on the soprano sax. The duo are accompanied by bassist David Clark and Mark Walker on the drums forming one tight quartet. Except for two standards provided fresh interpretations here, Saindon provides all original compositions. The quartet opens the music with the melancholy "The Last Goodbye" paying homage to the late Herb Pomeroy with whom Saindon performed for many years. On this tune Liebman introduces the music with his soprano voice eventually giving way to Saindon on the vibes then reengages to finish out a somber piece. The group performs a light hearted rendition of the Kaper/Washington standard "Green Dolphin Street," where Liebman delivers some of his best solos of the album. Saindon provides an exquisite piano solo on one of the very best renditions of the Mancini/Mercer classic, "Moon River" I've ever heard as the saxophonist and pianist play off each other quite well. Saindon leads off on the piano on "Tokyo Nights," later engaged by Liebman who together deliver another beautiful harmony in one of the best tunes here. The album ends featuring the pianist performing several short vignettes on the piano titled "Piano Solo Reflections." This is one of those new 2008 releases containing a repertoire of refreshing new music that critics and the average jazz audiences will love. Assembling a unique combo, With "Depth of Emotion," Ed Saindon and Dave Liebman chart a new course in modern jazz that deserves serious attention." German music publisher Advance Music has just released Exploration in Rhythm, Volume 1, Rhythmic Phrasing in Improvisation by Ed Saindon. This is the first book of a series (for all instruments) dealing with advanced rhythmic concepts for the improvisor and composer. Saindon is a Professor at Berklee College of Music in Boston where he has been teaching since 1976 and has developed the concepts addressed in the book through his jazz improvisation course at the college. Exploration in Rhythm, Rhythmic Phrasing in Improvisation will develop and expand the rhythmic palette and vocabulary of the improviser and composer. The book specifically addresses the concept of over-the-bar line phrasing via rhythmic groupings of 8ths, triplets, 16ths and polyrhythms in 3/4, 4/4, and 5/4. Working on these concepts, players should begin to "hear" rhythms that "float over the barline" as well as develop the ability to execute phrases over longer periods of time. The end result will be a sonic erasing of the bar line and an enhanced sense of freedom with regard to rhythm and phrasing. Exploration in Rhythm includes endorsements/quotes from Dave Douglas, Dave Liebman and Hal Crook. For more information regarding Ed Saindon recordings, books, lessons, bio, concert appearances, booking information..., please go to About this video: 18 Comments Auggie Giuseppe Add a public comment... Auggie Giuseppe Auggie Giuseppe 2 months ago Fantastic! Never heard my Fvourite 'Chega de Saudade' on these Instruments/ hkjazzy hkjazzy 10 years ago Ed was my ensemble teacher at the time when I was at Berklee. His playing always giving me a lot of inspirations..!!!I am so happy to find him here!!!

Izaías e Seus Chorões | Chorinho Triste (João Dias Carrasqueira) | Instr...

Izaías e Seus Chorões | Chorinho Triste (João Dias Carrasqueira) | Instrumental Sesc Brasil 93,976 views Feb 4, 2011 446 15 Share Save Instrumental Sesc Brasil 212K subscribers Izaías Bueno de Almeida começou a tocar bandolim com 10 anos de idade. Quando foi apresentado por Jacob do Bandolim, tornou-se o mais respeitado bandolinista de São Paulo. Israel passou depois para o violão, tocando bossa-nova, e para a guitarra, integrando conjuntos de iê-iê-iê. O começo dos anos 70 marcou também o nascimento de Izaías e Seus Chorões, com a atual formação, junta há mais de dez anos. Formação: Izaías Bueno de Almeida - bandolim Israel Bueno de Almeida - violão 7 cordas Edmilson Capelupi - violão 6 e 7 cordas Arnaldinho do Cavaco - cavaquinho José Reli - pandeiro Gênero: Choro Show que ocorreu no Teatro Anchieta do Sesc Consolação dia 24/01/2011 • site oficial: • assista aos shows ao vivo pelo Inscreva-se no canal e fique por dentro de toda a programação que acontece nas unidades do Sesc no estado de São Paulo. Basta ter uma conta gratuita no Google. 14 Comments Auggie Giuseppe Add a public comment... Maria Alt Maria Alt 3 years ago Sem palavras que músicos maravilhosos!!! 4 joka joka 7 years ago Izaias é sinonimo de musico de alma ,representante bandolinistico brasileiro, parabens. 3 eliana maria orlandini eliana maria orlandini 9 years ago O choro deveria ser ensinado em nossas escolas, mas infelizmente o ensino no Brasil esta nas mãos de gente incapacitada! Qdo eu vou a uma festa escolar e vejo crianças de bota e chapéu dançando musicas country ao invés de quadrilhas isto me deixa tão triste! Nossas crianças não curtem nossa cultura pq não tem acesso! E os professores que deveriam ensina-las não tem boa vontade e nem boa fé para isto! Ai vem o papo falta verba! Não há necessidade de verbas e sim de boa vontade! Chorinho é tudo! 5 Oliveira Oliveira Oliveira Oliveira 5 years ago A alma escorre pelos dedos. 3 jose sanches

Cochichando (Pixinguinha)

CA 9+ Cochichando (Pixinguinha) 782,500 views Sep 30, 2013 6.6K 225 Share Save Clube do Choro de Avaré 9.84K subscribers II FESTIVAL DE CHORO DE AVARÉ - 2012 HOMENAGEADO: JAMIL CARAN Apresentação no CAC, em Avaré no dia 08/12/2012 NAILOR PROVETA & REGIONAL IMPERIAL PARTICIPAÇÃO ESPECIAL DE PEDRO AMORIM REGIONAL IMPERIAL: JUNIOR PITA - VIOLÃO 6 CORDAS JOÃO CAMARERO - VIOLÃO 7 CORDAS LUCAS ARANTES - CAVAQUINHO RAFAEL TOLEDO -- PANDEIRO 171 Comments Auggie Giuseppe Add a public comment... Matemática com José Marmontel Matemática com José Marmontel 6 years ago onze horas da noite, a família dormindo, eu aqui com um monte de provas pra corrigir... como esses chorinhos caíram bem no silêncio da casa... Obrigado por tanta coisa boa! 92 Samuel Dias Samuel Dias 4 years ago A melhor música do mundo. O choro. 74 Linandro Pinheiro Linandro Pinheiro 1 year ago ISSO NÃO É UM CHORO.. É UM SORRISO. COM ESSES MUSICOS ATÉ O CHORO SORRI.. LINDA MELODIA. PARABÉNS. 45 Delania Benevides Delania Benevides 2 years ago 🎵🎶🎸🎺🎻🎤🎼🎵🎶♩SHOWZÃO! SÃO MESTRES. 🌷👍👏👏👏👏

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

The U.S. Is Run by a Financial Oligarchy: The Ruling Elite, Money & the ...

CA 7 The U.S. Is Run by a Financial Oligarchy: The Ruling Elite, Money & the Illusion of Progress (1993) 156,012 views Apr 28, 2014 2.8K 100 Share Save The Film Archives 233K subscribers Some contemporary authors have characterized current conditions in the United States as being oligarchic in nature. About the book: Simon Johnson wrote that "the reemergence of an American financial oligarchy is quite recent," a structure which he delineated as being the "most advanced" in the world. Jeffrey A. Winters argues that "oligarchy and democracy operate within a single system, and American politics is a daily display of their interplay." Bernie Sanders (I-VT) opined in a 2010 The Nation article that an "upper-crust of extremely wealthy families are hell-bent on destroying the democratic vision of a strong middle-class which has made the United States the envy of the world. In its place they are determined to create an oligarchy in which a small number of families control the economic and political life of our country." United States political and finance industry leadership has recently been dominated by people associated with Harvard and Yale. All nine members of the current Supreme Court attended Harvard or Yale law schools. The last member appointed to the court who was not a former student at one of those two institutions was Sandra Day O'Connor, appointed by the newly elected President Ronald Reagan in 1981. Reagan was also the last United States President who did not attend either Harvard or Yale. A well-known fictional oligarchy is represented by the Party in George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. The socialists in the Jack London novel The Iron Heel fight a rebellion against the oligarchy ruling in the United States. In the Ender's Quartet, by Orson Scott Card - specifically Xenocide, Speaker for the Dead, and Children of The Mind - there is an Oligarchy of the Starways Congress which rules by controlling communication by the Ansible. The Capitol in The Hunger Games trilogy is also a form of Oligarchy, as is the nation of Tear (ruled by a group of High Lords, until the appointment of High Lord Darlin as King of Tear) in Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time. Corporatocracy is a term used as an economic and political system controlled by corporations or corporate interests. It is a generally pejorative term often used by critics of the current economic situation in a particular country, especially the United States. This is different to corporatism, which is the organisation of society into groups with common interests. Corporatocracy as a term tends to be used by liberal and left-leaning critics, but also some economic libertarian critics and other political observers across the political spectrum. Economist Jeffrey Sachs described the United States as a corporatocracy in his book The Price of Civilization. He suggested that it arose from four trends: weak national parties and strong political representation of individual districts, the large U.S. military establishment after World War II, big corporate money financing election campaigns, and globalization tilting the balance away from workers. The term was used by author John Perkins in his 2004 book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, where he claimed that a "corporatocracy" exists, involving tacitly coordinated corporations, banks, and governments. This collective is known as what author C Wright Mills would call the Power Elite. The Power Elite are wealthy individuals who hold prominent positions in Corporatocracies. These individuals control the process of determining society's economic and political policies. The concept has been used in explanations of bank bailouts, excessive pay for CEOs, as well as complaints such as the exploitation of national treasuries, people, and natural resources. It has been used by critics of globalization, sometimes in conjunction with criticism of the World Bank or unfair lending practices, as well as criticism of free trade agreements. 732 Comments Auggie Giuseppe Add a public comment... Auggie Giuseppe Auggie Giuseppe 0 seconds ago I have always told everyone the same. Its_Rick_James_Bi*ch Its_Rick_James_Bi*ch 1 week ago “Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell” - Ja Rule 52 Kevin W Kevin W 3 days ago Nothing different between a "D" and the "R" it is all about control. Stack your gold and silver. 4 10 Hammers 10 Hammers 2 weeks ago "...its about universities. it's about corporations. it's about the media" same as it ever was. 137 More Cowbell More Cowbell 6 days ago I was falling asleep and then heard "administer an enema to the gentleman" and that kept me going. 7 Panzer Abt. 507 Panzer Abt. 507 2 weeks ago Jimmy Carter was right. This country is an Oligarchy. 88 Meester meester Hastings. Meester meester Hastings. 2 weeks ago He talked about Kissinger as if he were dead but the criminal is still alive at 98. 147 Randyl Plampin Randyl Plampin 2 weeks ago Had the title included a "criminal financial oligarchy" then it would have been closer to the truth. 98 Gy Bx Gy Bx 6 days ago (edited) One of the most disappointing aspects of growing old is realizing how eternally dysfunctional we are as a species. 22 Kooi Seng Chng Kooi Seng Chng 10 months ago For a country of the size of US, you only have 2 candidates, each essentially no different from the other. In countries much smaller than US, you can find 6 or more political parties of really different political shades. That is democracy. What we have in US is oligarchy. Having 2 candidates makes it so much easier to control the whole scam - that is what it is - a rigged election process. 114 FACTS DC FACTS DC 2 weeks ago “All the world is a stage.” - Shakespeare 96 orange70383 orange70383 4 years ago All he says is there are dozens concentric elite rings each with a little more power. 65 Kurt Berube Kurt Berube 2 weeks ago The more you read about man kinds history the more you realize that nothing has changed, people are still caught up in the fight to just survive while the well off who are blessed with ability or wealth try to protect their empire!!!! 58 Jordan Fraser Jordan Fraser 2 weeks ago Amazing how in almost 30 years, you hear the same criticisms as today. Nothing has really changed, except for the internet 58 Shane McBryde Shane McBryde 2 years ago 'Actors are like pets.' Lol, my favorite line.

The U.S. Has Overthrown Governments for 100 Years: A Compelling and Prov...

CA 6 The U.S. Has Overthrown Governments for 100 Years: A Compelling and Provocative History (2006) 145,560 views Aug 26, 2017 2.4K 152 Share Save The Film Archives 233K subscribers Stephen Kinzer (born August 4, 1951) is an American author, journalist and academic. He was a New York Times correspondent, has published several books, and currently writes for several newspapers and news agencies. Kinzer's reporting on Central America was criticized by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky in their 1988 book Manufacturing Consent, which cited Chomsky in his previous interview by Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting describing Kinzer as: " an errand boy, building up those stories that fit in with Reagan's agenda - one day it's the church, the next day it's the Miskitos, then the private sector. In the last two weeks I've seen eight articles by Kinzer that say exactly what the White House wants. Kinzer always raises questions about Sandinista intentions, whether they're truly democratic, and so on. When you analyse his articles you see he's just responding what the White House is saying." 907 Comments Auggie Giuseppe Add a public comment... Wilson Macharia Wilson Macharia 1 day ago Any human being who doesn’t know who the historical and present brutal terrorists are can continue sleeping 😴 . Malcolm x told us long time ago before they supervised his assassination 5 Will M Will M 1 week ago In 2021 nothing has changed about the deceitfulness of the US government 39 SuperMaranatha1 SuperMaranatha1 3 days ago Why he calls US terrorism as "intervention"? 5 Viktoria Ironpride Viktoria Ironpride 4 weeks ago Amerikkka always likes to style its "interventions" in foreign countries as altruistic, "for a good reason" or "for their own good." Amerikkka never does anything except for its own benefit. 14 Willy Whitten Willy Whitten 3 years ago I wonder why Kinzer doesn't include the overthrow of the Kennedy administration in the military coup d'etat in Dallas in 1963. It is preposterous to leave this one out. \\][// 112 Natewatl Natewatl 3 years ago The US has been overthrowing, and sometimes exterminating nations (including this continent's First Nations,) since the 1830s. 84 ed schneidmuller ed schneidmuller 1 week ago Read "Confessions of a Economic Hitman" or watch his Youtube video 7 mattja52 mattja52 2 weeks ago It's irony what Mr. Kinzer said about Hawaii. I was there ion of years ago, and the natives who knew its history would tell me that they have been occupied by the US! 33 Cam F Cam F 1 week ago Now, in 2021, the US is trying to overthrow its own government! 30 mark stevenson mark stevenson 3 years ago Watching documentaries like this make me ashamed to be an american. Sometimes the truth hurts, but we must face it this nation is the most imperialistic nation that this world has known. Strange how true history like this is never taught in history class. I would like to read his book some day. 137 splitpitch splitpitch 3 years ago he didn't mention that the Queen of Hawaii has put under house arrest and she told her people not to try to free her to avoid bloodshed. Still a young woman, she died while under house arrest. 51 Charlie Shaw Charlie Shaw 1 week ago "Hawaii is doing well, just not the natives". 27 Funny world Funny world 1 week ago greeting from China to USA ,This guy says the truth! 5 Mysti J Kissler Mysti J Kissler 3 years ago (edited) 24:30 missed the dodged the bullet, but also answered it. Resources and profit/power. Cambodia is huge to include because of the atrocities by the hands of Kissinger's operations. 22 Daniel Harvey IV Daniel Harvey IV 3 years ago All empires fall eventually. A scary fact, because I love my country. Evil is evil, no matter what country do it. When evil fight evil, only evil will win. 52 Wumao50cent Troll Wumao50cent Troll 3 days ago But China is a different ball game and will be the demise of the US empire if it continues poking it. 3 Otb tl Otb tl 3 years ago (edited) So this book is extremely bias. This guy attempts yo portray certain coups as actually a good thing and pusposely missed others as a tactic to dismiss US responsibility. What about CIA overthrowing the first democratically elected government of Congo by the order of Eisenhower? 26 J. David J. David 3 years ago Mexico: the country that experiences the effects of refugee crises caused by USA before USA then USA blames Mexico for it. 35 Karen Schmocker Karen Schmocker 1 year ago No he isn't the first author to tie all of this together...GORE VIDAL DID IT FIRST. 12 Mario Marelli Mario Marelli 3 years ago Interesting his take on Puerto Rico given recent events. 20 Ben Cris Ben Cris 3 years ago Americans always forget their invasion of the Philippines in 1898 resulting in the genocide of at least 1.5 million Filipinos. America will pay. 36 Max Headrom Max Headrom 2 days ago "Does that jive with your theories" is awesome! Great question and the "jive" there was just great!

The Heat: China's investments in Latin America Pt 2

The Heat: China-U.S. relations 34,171 views Jul 27, 2021 711 59 Share Save CGTN America 492K subscribers High-level talks between China and the United States in Tianjin. Was any progress made in relations between the two countries? For more, tonight’s panel includes Craig Allen, U.S. Ambassador to Brunei; Qinduo Xu, a senior fellow at the Pangoal Institution and host of CGTN’s Dialogue Weekend; Yan Liang, professor of economics at Willamette University and Zoon Ahmed Khan, visiting fellow at Tsinghua University. 524 Comments Auggie Giuseppe Add a public comment... Lee Lee 1 day ago do you think she is looking forward to coming back to China again? It looks like the US regime well and truly threw her under the bus 67 John M John M 20 hours ago This guy doesn’t know what he is talking about. He says that China saying America perceives China as a potential enemy is exaggerated. How can he say that when America has a fleet of warships in the Sth China Sea? That fact alone proves China to be right. He says that the American position was much more conciliatory. What that shows in my opinion, is that America has met it’s match, as America usually goes in with an all guns blazing, bullying attitude in discussions like this and is not at all polite. Evidence of this just recently in Anchorage, they treated the Chinese delegation with contempt by not providing any food or welcome. This is normal diplomatic protocol and when the meeting started Blinken started with the usual laying the law down bullying attitude to China. The Americans were shocked when China bit back 18 中兴guanda 中兴guanda 1 day ago Craig Allen lying straight. There's Americans studying in China. As usual, the Americans politicians have no real intentions to improve relationship with China. They are just after the Chinese money. 89 Cam35mm Cam35mm 1 day ago LOL maybe the Ambassador should find out who started these sanctions if he wants to talk about reciprocity. SMH 39 alan weiss alan weiss 1 day ago mr ambassadoor says the “complaints” from China is “exaggerated”. typical of us politicians: don’t admit anything! 63 Tony At Google Tony At Google 1 day ago (edited) 'Diplomacy should give and take', for the US it's 'you give, else I'll send in the troops to take'! China just arm yourself to the teeth, and don't trust the Anglo 21 KC Koay KC Koay 1 day ago Washington is a stage for the self-seeking politicians, and the powerful capitalists and lobbyists. Unsurprisingly, Washington has not been able to free itself of its DNA of capitalist imperialism, which explain its perpetuated hostility towards the rest of the world. The diversion of huge sum of taxpayers‘ money and national debt to fund wars and to create trouble spots all over the world (instead of being put to good use for the well-being of the people) are indeed manifestation of such dysfunctions. 13 Joni Djuanda Joni Djuanda 1 day ago Its time to teach the american how to treat others equally...well done wang yi.. 16 K Wong K Wong 1 day ago China is aware of the US latest gesture , sending a junior official to China with an Olive branch on one hand and a knife on the other. As Lincoln once said, you cannot fool all the people, all the time.! If there is to be a genuine approach to reset China - US relations, then the US should take the opportunity to Refrain from any hostile intentions and rhetorics towards China to begin with. Both countries can then start from the ground up, before establishing any meaningful relations for cooperation and trusts on a bilateral level. 61 Otto Von Longdog Otto Von Longdog 1 day ago Based on the constant wooden facial expression of this woman (Sherman?), it seems like the whole world owes her. Or, she is just attempting to show their nonexistent "position of strength"? 27 Wil Van Natta Wil Van Natta 1 day ago The US is an empire in behaves like a spoiled child who must share with others. 55 george jesson george jesson 1 day ago US sending diplomats while actively sanctioning the the country being visited is asinine. And they expect a warm welcome? China should keep sanctioning the US. US : only I can sanction you China : watch me now... 17 Tumbadoraable Tumbadoraable 1 day ago The USA diplomats "generally" do not take list of DEMANDS very well 5:10 . IT IS NOT A NORMAL WAY TO DO "DIPLOMACY": ..... IT IS A GIVE AN TAKE.... Where did this hillbilly come from ??? 46 g9qtpi g9qtpi 1 day ago Western diplomat seems to have no long-term memory or don't understand that past/current action dictates a future response.

The Heat: China-U.S. relations

The Heat: China-U.S. relations 34,171 views Jul 27, 2021 711 59 Share Save CGTN America 492K subscribers High-level talks between China and the United States in Tianjin. Was any progress made in relations between the two countries? For more, tonight’s panel includes Craig Allen, U.S. Ambassador to Brunei; Qinduo Xu, a senior fellow at the Pangoal Institution and host of CGTN’s Dialogue Weekend; Yan Liang, professor of economics at Willamette University and Zoon Ahmed Khan, visiting fellow at Tsinghua University. 524 Comments Auggie Giuseppe Add a public comment... Lee Lee 1 day ago do you think she is looking forward to coming back to China again? It looks like the US regime well and truly threw her under the bus 67 John M John M 20 hours ago This guy doesn’t know what he is talking about. He says that China saying America perceives China as a potential enemy is exaggerated. How can he say that when America has a fleet of warships in the Sth China Sea? That fact alone proves China to be right. He says that the American position was much more conciliatory. What that shows in my opinion, is that America has met it’s match, as America usually goes in with an all guns blazing, bullying attitude in discussions like this and is not at all polite. Evidence of this just recently in Anchorage, they treated the Chinese delegation with contempt by not providing any food or welcome. This is normal diplomatic protocol and when the meeting started Blinken started with the usual laying the law down bullying attitude to China. The Americans were shocked when China bit back 18 中兴guanda 中兴guanda 1 day ago Craig Allen lying straight. There's Americans studying in China. As usual, the Americans politicians have no real intentions to improve relationship with China. They are just after the Chinese money. 89 Cam35mm Cam35mm 1 day ago LOL maybe the Ambassador should find out who started these sanctions if he wants to talk about reciprocity. SMH 39 alan weiss alan weiss 1 day ago mr ambassadoor says the “complaints” from China is “exaggerated”. typical of us politicians: don’t admit anything! 63 Tony At Google Tony At Google 1 day ago (edited) 'Diplomacy should give and take', for the US it's 'you give, else I'll send in the troops to take'! China just arm yourself to the teeth, and don't trust the Anglo 21 KC Koay KC Koay 1 day ago Washington is a stage for the self-seeking politicians, and the powerful capitalists and lobbyists. Unsurprisingly, Washington has not been able to free itself of its DNA of capitalist imperialism, which explain its perpetuated hostility towards the rest of the world. The diversion of huge sum of taxpayers‘ money and national debt to fund wars and to create trouble spots all over the world (instead of being put to good use for the well-being of the people) are indeed manifestation of such dysfunctions. 13 Joni Djuanda Joni Djuanda 1 day ago Its time to teach the american how to treat others equally...well done wang yi.. 16 K Wong K Wong 1 day ago China is aware of the US latest gesture , sending a junior official to China with an Olive branch on one hand and a knife on the other. As Lincoln once said, you cannot fool all the people, all the time.! If there is to be a genuine approach to reset China - US relations, then the US should take the opportunity to Refrain from any hostile intentions and rhetorics towards China to begin with. Both countries can then start from the ground up, before establishing any meaningful relations for cooperation and trusts on a bilateral level. 61 Otto Von Longdog Otto Von Longdog 1 day ago Based on the constant wooden facial expression of this woman (Sherman?), it seems like the whole world owes her. Or, she is just attempting to show their nonexistent "position of strength"? 27 Wil Van Natta Wil Van Natta 1 day ago The US is an empire in behaves like a spoiled child who must share with others. 55 george jesson george jesson 1 day ago US sending diplomats while actively sanctioning the the country being visited is asinine. And they expect a warm welcome? China should keep sanctioning the US. US : only I can sanction you China : watch me now... 17 Tumbadoraable Tumbadoraable 1 day ago The USA diplomats "generally" do not take list of DEMANDS very well 5:10 . IT IS NOT A NORMAL WAY TO DO "DIPLOMACY": ..... IT IS A GIVE AN TAKE.... Where did this hillbilly come from ??? 46 g9qtpi g9qtpi 1 day ago Western diplomat seems to have no long-term memory or don't understand that past/current action dictates a future response.

China ‘slams the door in the face’ of US diplomat ahead of proposed visit

CA 6 China ‘slams the door in the face’ of US diplomat ahead of proposed visit 121,000 views Jul 18, 2021 3.1K 190 Share Save Sky News Australia 1.85M subscribers Political analyst Professor Joe Siracusa says China has “slammed the door” in the face of US diplomat Wendy Sherman ahead of a proposed visit to prepare a meeting between President Joe Biden and President Xi Jinping. “She was supposed to go China to see her opposite number, prepare a meeting with Blinken - the secretary of state - and his opposite number and then prepare a summit meeting between President Biden and President Xi,” he said. “This is a major disappointment, it’s a great snub. “On the other hand the Chinese say just before she wanted to visit China the United States was initiating more sanctions and more rules and regulations and they keep talking about China violating the rules-based order. “China’s not stupid, they know that’s shorthand for ‘get China’." Professor Siracusa told Sky News while "most people have not heard of Wendy Sherman, she’s a very important figure". “Her only job in this administration was to get onside with China, and China has slammed the door in her face.” 1,691 Comments Auggie Giuseppe Add a public comment... Gerry geko Gerry geko 1 week ago I wouldn't let anyone from the fake biden administration in!! 248 Nick Name Nick Name 1 week ago so this so-called US diplomat goes to Korea to persuade them to turn against China, she even said they will not talk about North Korea at all, because they don't care, they just want to turn Korea against China, which won't happen since China is the biggest trading partner of Korea, so what did they expect? 92 Hans Otto Kroeger Kaethler Hans Otto Kroeger Kaethler 1 week ago (edited) If Sherman is like Blinken, then she isn't a diplomat, she is an idiot. And: “Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.” (Mark Twain) 191 Juanita Chicken Juanita Chicken 1 week ago Sad that you have to watch International News to get US news.... 87 syncmaster915n syncmaster915n 6 days ago Hope Sherman is not going to lecture China on this and that if and when she gets to meet a Chinese official. Otherwise, China will just say fix your house first! in her face and give her some soup noodle as parting gift. 30 J Loftus J Loftus 1 week ago Sinophobia. FACT: Since 1949, the size of the Chinese economy soared by a whopping 189 times. Over the past two decades, China’s GDP grew 11-fold. Since 2010, it more than doubled, from $6 trillion to $15 trillion, and now accounts for 17% of global economic output. The UK's debt-to-GDP ratio will explode to 110% in 2023-24. While on the other hand, Russia’s debt to GDP is 15%. Western exceptionalists may continue to throw a fit 24/7 ad infinitum: that will not change the course of history. Western grumbling is irrelevant. 10 James Carnley James Carnley 1 week ago The Biden, Resident Administration, are looked down upon on international politics. Just too ignorant.🧐 100 Carol Smith Carol Smith 1 week ago (edited) China knows this is not a legitimate government. 303 kc L kc L 1 week ago You want to see someone to discuss things, yet you stab a knife at him while the meeting is being arranged. This is crazy diplomacy 25 Richard Keghinian Richard Keghinian 1 week ago The Biden administration is inept to say the least. 214 Joseph Pantolon Joseph Pantolon 1 week ago Biden got his 10 more. 162 AutumnMoon58 AutumnMoon58 1 week ago China has more allies and friends than USA. If you count lackeys and lapdogs maybe USA can say it has more. Bullying will not work vis-a-vis China. Duplicitous behavior will not work: claiming desire for dialogue while introducing unfriendly measures against Chinese companies etc. Such deceitful American diplomatic shows are a waste of time. China will not engage in. Chinese leaders have better things to pursue. China is only interested in sincere discussions to move the needle, all other showy diplomatic gestures are shows for us domestic audience. 24 Christopher Schaefer Christopher Schaefer 1 week ago China has made the right decision by keeping America out of their Affairs!!! 122 J Lee J Lee 1 week ago (edited) China is literally laughing at USA 😂 China is casually progressing more with their economy and advancing their forces while the US is out there fighting over diversity and pronouns 😂 LMAO 121 Ralph Wilso Ralph Wilso 1 week ago China is negotiating from a position of power. When the president can’t even remember where he is at shows weakness from the top down 75 Marshall Smith Marshall Smith 1 week ago Can't blame China for not taking America seriously ... No one else does anymore 95 ted corey ted corey 1 week ago China doesn't take these anti American dems seriously . 186 Jeff Byrd Jeff Byrd 1 week ago This is what happens with a weak administration. Elections have consequences. 80 Th.69 Th.69 1 week ago (edited) You threatened me, you scolded my family, you pointed guns at my house, threw all sort of unproven accusations on my family, gotten your friend to kidnap my kid and when I don’t invite you to my house, you are angry. Come on..... 37 Indie Jones Indie Jones 1 week ago China learn well. Between any high level meeting, US would impose sanctions like the last in Alaska. Sure enough, Biden has sanctioned more Chinese officials over Hongkong just this week. So what's the point? 58 Annie Smith Annie Smith 1 week ago Hoping to see this headline story on CNN or MSNBC but won’t hold my breath. That would mean they’d have to be real journalists & cover how China is has a goal & they have no intentions of being our real friend. 176 President Elect Jeffrey Smith President Elect Jeffrey Smith 1 week ago The only thing Comrade Wizard Biden is in charge of is the comedy show. 67 Ralph Rotten Ralph Rotten 1 week ago This administration coming into power has made the world a dangerous place as far as international relations and for the US as a society 86 george jesson george jesson 2 days ago They'll at least give her a cup of noodles in her room. More than the US offered the Chinese delegation in Alaska. US : how not to be a good host.

The Tragic Ending of Paul Newman - What Really Happened to Paul Newman?

CA 6 The Tragic Ending of Paul Newman - What Really Happened to Paul Newman? 118,969 views Jun 6, 2021 1.5K 81 Share Save Most Actor & Actress Hollywood 117K subscribers The Tragic Ending of Paul Newman - What Really Happened to Paul Newman? The mini story of Paul Newman! In 1988, Newman founded the SeriousFun Children's Network, a global family of summer camps and programs for children with a serious illness which has served 1.3 million children and family members since its inception.[5] In 2006, Paul Newman also co-founded Safe Water Network with John Whitehead, former chairman of Goldman Sachs, and Josh Weston, former chairman of ADP, to improve access to safe water to underserved communities around the world. Newman was married twice and fathered six children. He was the husband of Oscar-winning actress Joanne Woodward. This video was made using information and photos freely found on the internet. No copyright infringement intended. This video may not be re-uploaded by others. I created this video and recorded the audio and my voice may not be used by others. Thanks for watching! Have a good time. 131 Comments Auggie Giuseppe Add a public comment... Kaytow Kaytow 1 month ago Hardly a tragic ending now is it? He had a fantastic energetic life right up until he contracted cancer and died at the ripe old age of 83. Many don't live that long, let alone live life to its fullest, or stay still so handsome to the end. 64 Doing Great Doing Great 1 month ago He was born and became a hugely successful actor and businessman. He gave huge amounts of money to charity. He died as we must all do one day. 17 black knight black knight 1 month ago A great actor, a great family man, and a great human being today's so-called stars could learn a lot from this man. 41 manwithnoname manwithnoname 1 month ago Terrific actor and great humanitarian.My favorite Newman performances are as a pool player in The Hustler and as a lawyer in The Verdict 22

Where is Jack Ma? The Truth About Jack Revealed!

CA 6 Where is Jack Ma? The Truth About Jack Revealed! 144,994 views Jan 14, 2021 7K 251 Share Thanks Save Cyrus Janssen 158K subscribers Where is Jack Ma? This is one of the most pressing questions China watchers have been asking in recent weeks. Ma Yun (Jack's Chinese name) is one of China's highest profile figures both inside and out and although Jack has not been seen in the public spotlight in over 2 months, if you understand Chinese culture, there isn't anything to worry about. Let's break it down with facts and logic in this week's video. If you'd like to support the channel / 如果你想支持我的频道: 🅿️ Patreon: ☕ Buy me a Coffee: 🧧 WeChat / 微信: ➡️ PayPal: 🗒️ Subscribe to my newsletter: 🎥 Connect with me on YouTube ⭐ Connect with me on Facebook: 🐤 Connect with me on Twitter: 📸 Products I use to Produce my Vlogs: Camera: Tripod: Microphone: Lighting: Drone: 1,118 Comments Auggie Giuseppe Add a public comment... Cyrus Janssen Pinned by Cyrus Janssen Cyrus Janssen 6 months ago Please join my newsletter here: and if you would like to support the channel and help it grow, please join our community on Patreon: thank you all for the continued support! 121 Barrett Barrett 6 months ago More great work laying out the facts and giving people an understanding of Chinese culture. Even having lived here for almost two years I've learned a lot from this video. 501 the JaYoe Nation the JaYoe Nation 6 months ago thanks, Cyrus... really appreciate you laying it out here for me. Hope others can use this video to help understand how china's system is different. 374 shineluvslambiel shineluvslambiel 6 months ago (edited) I would not say his problem was just “not being low key”. The real problem was his lack of understanding of the financial world and the absolute necessity of having regulations in place to govern the activities and risk management practices carried out by financial institutions. It was ignorant of him to think that the Ant group could avoid being regulated as a financial institution while they carry out all these financial activities and massively over leverage all under the guise of being a “tech company”. If the Chinese government didn’t step in, this could very well end in another 2008 subprime mortgage like crisis. 427 jingkun72 jingkun72 6 months ago My understanding is that Ant was proposing high volume of high interest loans to people without reasonable credit, then sell the debt to banks. In a nutshell, Jack was on the way to reproduce the 2008 financial crisis in China and the Chinese authority didn't want that to happen. That resulted in the confrontational talk on the Bund. 223 shy zhan shy zhan 6 months ago Jack Ma's problem is not caused by not keeping low profile. The problem is his ant group and proposal will put China in a significant financial risk. 144 cheese cheese 6 months ago For China central gov, risk control is very critical. developing too fast may risk whole country though may be good for some industry or companies. So the perspective is different. Ma may not be wrong for Ant group or Alibaba perspective, but he is not in charge of whole country and people. So the overall direction controlled by China Gov is to make sure whole country is developing in stable and sustainable way. The way is new for China, no example, no map or guild. So every step of China move is important, failure will cause huge impact on people. So I personally support the cautious review and action plan done by China gov for this IPO stopping event. Looking at the result is more important than listen what the media say. Just look at the overall development result of China in past 20-30 years, China Gov did right thing for the country and people. So looking forward, I think they will keep the same way to move on. 243 Sophia Sophia 6 months ago (edited) Jack Ma is too greedy.💰💰💰 Deng Xiaoping said: Let some people get rich first. Xi said: Never forget the beginning, never forget the mission but Jack Ma forgot them all. 216 Max DC Max DC 6 months ago (edited) Jack Ma after being crowned the richest man in China has become arrogant. His luck has given him the illusion of all-knowing wisdom. How can you reproach the financial regulators who are the experts in risk management of the financial system. Being the richest man in China is not enough for him and he wanted more riches by expanding his empire into a financial industry devoid of regulations to shackle him. It's simply irresponsible and selfish of him to put the financial system of the whole country at risk in order to fulfill his own ambition. 29

James Cagney interview

CA 5 #Omnibus #OmnibusWithAlistairCooke #GeorgeCohan Forty-five Minutes from Broadway (1/4) (1906 George M. Cohan) | Omnibus With Alistair Cooke 2,775 views Dec 12, 2020 37 1 Share Save Omnibus With Alistair Cooke 507 subscribers Excerpt #1: Act 1 from "Forty-five Minutes from Broadway" with Larry Blyden, Tammy Grimes; directed by Gower Champion. Date aired - March 15, 1959 - Forty-five Minutes from Broadway For clip licensing opportunities please visit Subscribe for more Omnibus With Alistair Cooke: More from 'Forty-five Minutes from Broadway': Forty-five Minutes from Broadway (2/4): Welcome to the official Omnibus With Alistair Cooke channel on YouTube - Featuring the landmark series broadcast live across the US from 1952 to 1961, the most distinguished series of Television’s Golden Age. Here we’ll look back at the award-winning collection of social, political, and cultural highlights from the mid-20th century, the most remarkable assembly of talent ever presented on American screens. Omnibus showcased both established stars and rising talent, many of whom made their television debuts on the show, starring in classic drama, modern comedy, musical theater, ballet, jazz, popular music, folk music, and dance. Omnibus ranged even further with presentations on art and architecture, avant-garde literature, American and world history, criminal and constitutional law, international relations, sports, and science. Viewers tuned in for entertainment, but also for instruction and insight. The series aired successively over the CBS, ABC, and NBC networks, consistently attracted 16 million viewers to each episode, and won more than 65 awards, including nine Emmys and two Peabody awards. Make sure you subscribe to see how television could bring the arts, science, and letters to a mass audience for the first time. Omnibus - © RSA Venture, LLC, renewed 1990 #Omnibus #OmnibusWithAlistairCooke #GeorgeCohan #Musical #Drama 4 Comments Auggie Giuseppe Add a public comment... Omnibus With Alistair Cooke Pinned by Omnibus With Alistair Cooke Omnibus With Alistair Cooke 6 months ago Want to watch part 2? Continue the story of Forty-five Minutes from Broadway here! 1 Nora Gyetko Nora Gyetko 5 months ago This is the way musicals ought to be. Andrew Lloyd Webber? Fuggedaboudit! Patti Williams Patti Williams 5 months ago George M. Cohan is my Cousin. 4 Nora Gyetko Nora Gyetko 5 months ago Cooool! BTW - I love James Cagney's portrayal of George M. Cohan.

PBS Broadway George M Cohan All The Gang at 42nd Street

CA 5 #Omnibus #OmnibusWithAlistairCooke #GeorgeCohan Forty-five Minutes from Broadway (1/4) (1906 George M. Cohan) | Omnibus With Alistair Cooke 2,775 views Dec 12, 2020 37 1 Share Save Omnibus With Alistair Cooke 507 subscribers Excerpt #1: Act 1 from "Forty-five Minutes from Broadway" with Larry Blyden, Tammy Grimes; directed by Gower Champion. Date aired - March 15, 1959 - Forty-five Minutes from Broadway For clip licensing opportunities please visit Subscribe for more Omnibus With Alistair Cooke: More from 'Forty-five Minutes from Broadway': Forty-five Minutes from Broadway (2/4): Welcome to the official Omnibus With Alistair Cooke channel on YouTube - Featuring the landmark series broadcast live across the US from 1952 to 1961, the most distinguished series of Television’s Golden Age. Here we’ll look back at the award-winning collection of social, political, and cultural highlights from the mid-20th century, the most remarkable assembly of talent ever presented on American screens. Omnibus showcased both established stars and rising talent, many of whom made their television debuts on the show, starring in classic drama, modern comedy, musical theater, ballet, jazz, popular music, folk music, and dance. Omnibus ranged even further with presentations on art and architecture, avant-garde literature, American and world history, criminal and constitutional law, international relations, sports, and science. Viewers tuned in for entertainment, but also for instruction and insight. The series aired successively over the CBS, ABC, and NBC networks, consistently attracted 16 million viewers to each episode, and won more than 65 awards, including nine Emmys and two Peabody awards. Make sure you subscribe to see how television could bring the arts, science, and letters to a mass audience for the first time. Omnibus - © RSA Venture, LLC, renewed 1990 #Omnibus #OmnibusWithAlistairCooke #GeorgeCohan #Musical #Drama 4 Comments Auggie Giuseppe Add a public comment... Omnibus With Alistair Cooke Pinned by Omnibus With Alistair Cooke Omnibus With Alistair Cooke 6 months ago Want to watch part 2? Continue the story of Forty-five Minutes from Broadway here! 1 Nora Gyetko Nora Gyetko 5 months ago This is the way musicals ought to be. Andrew Lloyd Webber? Fuggedaboudit! Patti Williams Patti Williams 5 months ago George M. Cohan is my Cousin. 4 Nora Gyetko Nora Gyetko 5 months ago Cooool! BTW - I love James Cagney's portrayal of George M. Cohan.

The George M. Cohan Story

CA 5 #Omnibus #OmnibusWithAlistairCooke #GeorgeCohan Forty-five Minutes from Broadway (1/4) (1906 George M. Cohan) | Omnibus With Alistair Cooke 2,775 views Dec 12, 2020 37 1 Share Save Omnibus With Alistair Cooke 507 subscribers Excerpt #1: Act 1 from "Forty-five Minutes from Broadway" with Larry Blyden, Tammy Grimes; directed by Gower Champion. Date aired - March 15, 1959 - Forty-five Minutes from Broadway For clip licensing opportunities please visit Subscribe for more Omnibus With Alistair Cooke: More from 'Forty-five Minutes from Broadway': Forty-five Minutes from Broadway (2/4): Welcome to the official Omnibus With Alistair Cooke channel on YouTube - Featuring the landmark series broadcast live across the US from 1952 to 1961, the most distinguished series of Television’s Golden Age. Here we’ll look back at the award-winning collection of social, political, and cultural highlights from the mid-20th century, the most remarkable assembly of talent ever presented on American screens. Omnibus showcased both established stars and rising talent, many of whom made their television debuts on the show, starring in classic drama, modern comedy, musical theater, ballet, jazz, popular music, folk music, and dance. Omnibus ranged even further with presentations on art and architecture, avant-garde literature, American and world history, criminal and constitutional law, international relations, sports, and science. Viewers tuned in for entertainment, but also for instruction and insight. The series aired successively over the CBS, ABC, and NBC networks, consistently attracted 16 million viewers to each episode, and won more than 65 awards, including nine Emmys and two Peabody awards. Make sure you subscribe to see how television could bring the arts, science, and letters to a mass audience for the first time. Omnibus - © RSA Venture, LLC, renewed 1990 #Omnibus #OmnibusWithAlistairCooke #GeorgeCohan #Musical #Drama 4 Comments Auggie Giuseppe Add a public comment... Omnibus With Alistair Cooke Pinned by Omnibus With Alistair Cooke Omnibus With Alistair Cooke 6 months ago Want to watch part 2? Continue the story of Forty-five Minutes from Broadway here! 1 Nora Gyetko Nora Gyetko 5 months ago This is the way musicals ought to be. Andrew Lloyd Webber? Fuggedaboudit! Patti Williams Patti Williams 5 months ago George M. Cohan is my Cousin. 4 Nora Gyetko Nora Gyetko 5 months ago Cooool! BTW - I love James Cagney's portrayal of George M. Cohan.

Forty-five Minutes from Broadway (1/4) (1906 George M. Cohan) | Omnibus ...

CA 5 #Omnibus #OmnibusWithAlistairCooke #GeorgeCohan Forty-five Minutes from Broadway (1/4) (1906 George M. Cohan) | Omnibus With Alistair Cooke 2,775 views Dec 12, 2020 37 1 Share Save Omnibus With Alistair Cooke 507 subscribers Excerpt #1: Act 1 from "Forty-five Minutes from Broadway" with Larry Blyden, Tammy Grimes; directed by Gower Champion. Date aired - March 15, 1959 - Forty-five Minutes from Broadway For clip licensing opportunities please visit Subscribe for more Omnibus With Alistair Cooke: More from 'Forty-five Minutes from Broadway': Forty-five Minutes from Broadway (2/4): Welcome to the official Omnibus With Alistair Cooke channel on YouTube - Featuring the landmark series broadcast live across the US from 1952 to 1961, the most distinguished series of Television’s Golden Age. Here we’ll look back at the award-winning collection of social, political, and cultural highlights from the mid-20th century, the most remarkable assembly of talent ever presented on American screens. Omnibus showcased both established stars and rising talent, many of whom made their television debuts on the show, starring in classic drama, modern comedy, musical theater, ballet, jazz, popular music, folk music, and dance. Omnibus ranged even further with presentations on art and architecture, avant-garde literature, American and world history, criminal and constitutional law, international relations, sports, and science. Viewers tuned in for entertainment, but also for instruction and insight. The series aired successively over the CBS, ABC, and NBC networks, consistently attracted 16 million viewers to each episode, and won more than 65 awards, including nine Emmys and two Peabody awards. Make sure you subscribe to see how television could bring the arts, science, and letters to a mass audience for the first time. Omnibus - © RSA Venture, LLC, renewed 1990 #Omnibus #OmnibusWithAlistairCooke #GeorgeCohan #Musical #Drama 4 Comments Auggie Giuseppe Add a public comment... Omnibus With Alistair Cooke Pinned by Omnibus With Alistair Cooke Omnibus With Alistair Cooke 6 months ago Want to watch part 2? Continue the story of Forty-five Minutes from Broadway here! 1 Nora Gyetko Nora Gyetko 5 months ago This is the way musicals ought to be. Andrew Lloyd Webber? Fuggedaboudit! Patti Williams Patti Williams 5 months ago George M. Cohan is my Cousin. 4 Nora Gyetko Nora Gyetko 5 months ago Cooool! BTW - I love James Cagney's portrayal of George M. Cohan.

UNMASKING AMERICA: The New Normal Loses a Round

CA 5 PREPARE FOR WAR: Catholic Priest Warns of Imminent Global Conflict 159,844 views May 21, 2021 7.9K 150 Share Save TheRemnantVideo 234K subscribers Whether you’re Catholic or not, this sermon will be of interest to you. This is how Catholic priests used to speak, before the Vatican teamed up with the globalists in the 1960s. In this Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father recalls several dire predictions which were delivered in Fatima, Portugal to three shepherd children back in 1917. The predictions were delivered in a public setting by a woman believed to be the Blessed Virgin Mary, although the Catholic bishop at the time was very skeptical and did not encourage it to be taken seriously. In fact, it was only after years of investigation that finally, on October 13, 1930, the Church declared the events at Fatima ‘worthy of belief’. The predictions—which included an urgent call to prayer and fasting, asking God to save the world—were greatly substantiated by a preannounced “Miracle of the Sun”, a massive solar phenomenon witnessed by some 70,000 people and covered extensively in secular newspapers at the time (vintage photographs of the event are available online). The predictions warned of a coming world war, apostasy in the Catholic Church, and the ‘annihilations of nations’. Are the dire predictions of Fatima coming true today? Father cites Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò (former Vatican apostolic nuncio, who has since issued urgent warnings that the Vatican under Pope Francis is in league with the New World Order) as representing a growing number of Catholics who believe the Church has been infiltrated and that hell itself has declared all-out war on the Catholic Church and Christian civilization. Is this, in fact, what is happening today with respect to Davos, Covid and the one world government? Watch this sermon. Stay Connected to RTV. Sign up for Michael Matt’s E-blast: Subscribe to The Remnant Newspaper: Subscribe to Remnant TV's independent platform: If you'd like to contribute to RTV's expansion, please consider a donation: Like, Comment, and Subscribe to our YouTube channel! Follow Michael Matt and The Remnant on Twitter: Follow Michael Matt on Facebook: Follow Michael Matt on Parler: Follow Michael Matt on MeWe: 853 Comments Auggie Giuseppe Add a public comment... mary julie harris mary julie harris 2 months ago Pray for Archbishop Viganò 🙏🏼 and for every faithful priest, bishop and our faithful brothers and sisters in Christ. 486 Paisley Paisley 2 months ago When a nation can legalize the killing of its own unborn children, then tragically it is ripe for an enemy takeover. 314 Matthew Alexander Matthew Alexander 2 months ago STAY IN A STATE OF GRACE. ❤ 320 Striker 333 Striker 333 2 months ago If God chastises man by allowing war, know that man first declared war on God by abortion, murder, sexual perversion...on and on. 238 Deborah McLean Deborah McLean 2 months ago Everyone please pray for Fr James Altman who was asked to resign from his parish in LaCrosse,WI by his bishop! 295 Teresa Baker-Carl Teresa Baker-Carl 2 months ago The world is spinning out of control, but we have the grace to become saints if we make it our goal to pray as our Lady asks. Pray unceasingly.... 257 Leigh Ann Johnson Leigh Ann Johnson 2 months ago “When sin is widespread enough, God punishes it with war.” At this point in time, we should be annihilated. 228 LauraBeeDannon LauraBeeDannon 2 months ago Pray for Father Altman. They're trying to fire him. 134 Scott Held Scott Held 2 months ago Through the battle, and into the fight, Archangel Michael never leave thee, day or night. Amen ☝️💪❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏💪☝️ 259 Pamela Novelli Pamela Novelli 2 months ago (edited) I pray the rosary daily and doing so has changed my life and my roommate's too! She became Catholic after yrs of not committing to any faith! She said the photo of Jesus attached to the divine mercy chaplet converted her! 81 Tate SC Tate SC 2 months ago "Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in battle array?" Pray for us O holy Mother of God.✝ 73 Ambrose McLaren Ambrose McLaren 2 months ago (edited) A fine Austrailian priest once gave a sermon on a First Saturday around 1988. He said Our Lady came to Fatima to tell us one thing. That is, "Hell is real and we may go there." He then said she gave us the remedy to save us from those eternal fires. That remedy is the devotion to her Immaculate Heart and the devotion to her holy rosary, which Sr Lucia tells us has received a great new efficacy in our times. Some wise person provided copies of this sermon and I received one. I have never been able to forget this. It is the bottom line. Death and Judgment. Heaven or hell for all eternity. My Jesus, mercy. Mary, help us. 139 Carrie Jones Carrie Jones 2 months ago Thank you, Father! The congregation's voice reminds me of my very early childhood Masses in the early '70s when men's strong voices still dominated the sound of the congregation's prayer. 103 Leigh O Leigh O 2 months ago This priest will soon be fired for preaching Father Altman. 26 J MJ J MJ 1 month ago If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first 18 Maria Teresa Maria Teresa 2 months ago (edited) "Say the Rosary every day, to bring peace to the world and the end of the war." - Our Lady of Fatima (June 13, 1917) 🙏Deo Gratias.🙏Ave Maria🙏 138 OutOf Stamps OutOf Stamps 2 months ago Mother Marry was weeping during her son's passion, for thousands of years she continues to weep for her children yet we continue to sin, it pains her greatly. Pray the rosary every day and pray reparations for yourself. Be one of the righteous not one of the wicked. 33 pam guevara pam guevara 2 months ago HAIL MARY FULL OF GRACE THE LORD IS WITH THEE🙏🙏🙏🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿

PREPARE FOR WAR: Catholic Priest Warns of Imminent Global Conflict

CA 5 PREPARE FOR WAR: Catholic Priest Warns of Imminent Global Conflict 159,844 views May 21, 2021 7.9K 150 Share Save TheRemnantVideo 234K subscribers Whether you’re Catholic or not, this sermon will be of interest to you. This is how Catholic priests used to speak, before the Vatican teamed up with the globalists in the 1960s. In this Sunday Sermon from South Saint Paul, Father recalls several dire predictions which were delivered in Fatima, Portugal to three shepherd children back in 1917. The predictions were delivered in a public setting by a woman believed to be the Blessed Virgin Mary, although the Catholic bishop at the time was very skeptical and did not encourage it to be taken seriously. In fact, it was only after years of investigation that finally, on October 13, 1930, the Church declared the events at Fatima ‘worthy of belief’. The predictions—which included an urgent call to prayer and fasting, asking God to save the world—were greatly substantiated by a preannounced “Miracle of the Sun”, a massive solar phenomenon witnessed by some 70,000 people and covered extensively in secular newspapers at the time (vintage photographs of the event are available online). The predictions warned of a coming world war, apostasy in the Catholic Church, and the ‘annihilations of nations’. Are the dire predictions of Fatima coming true today? Father cites Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò (former Vatican apostolic nuncio, who has since issued urgent warnings that the Vatican under Pope Francis is in league with the New World Order) as representing a growing number of Catholics who believe the Church has been infiltrated and that hell itself has declared all-out war on the Catholic Church and Christian civilization. Is this, in fact, what is happening today with respect to Davos, Covid and the one world government? Watch this sermon. Stay Connected to RTV. Sign up for Michael Matt’s E-blast: Subscribe to The Remnant Newspaper: Subscribe to Remnant TV's independent platform: If you'd like to contribute to RTV's expansion, please consider a donation: Like, Comment, and Subscribe to our YouTube channel! Follow Michael Matt and The Remnant on Twitter: Follow Michael Matt on Facebook: Follow Michael Matt on Parler: Follow Michael Matt on MeWe: 853 Comments Auggie Giuseppe Add a public comment... mary julie harris mary julie harris 2 months ago Pray for Archbishop Viganò 🙏🏼 and for every faithful priest, bishop and our faithful brothers and sisters in Christ. 486 Paisley Paisley 2 months ago When a nation can legalize the killing of its own unborn children, then tragically it is ripe for an enemy takeover. 314 Matthew Alexander Matthew Alexander 2 months ago STAY IN A STATE OF GRACE. ❤ 320 Striker 333 Striker 333 2 months ago If God chastises man by allowing war, know that man first declared war on God by abortion, murder, sexual perversion...on and on. 238 Deborah McLean Deborah McLean 2 months ago Everyone please pray for Fr James Altman who was asked to resign from his parish in LaCrosse,WI by his bishop! 295 Teresa Baker-Carl Teresa Baker-Carl 2 months ago The world is spinning out of control, but we have the grace to become saints if we make it our goal to pray as our Lady asks. Pray unceasingly.... 257 Leigh Ann Johnson Leigh Ann Johnson 2 months ago “When sin is widespread enough, God punishes it with war.” At this point in time, we should be annihilated. 228 LauraBeeDannon LauraBeeDannon 2 months ago Pray for Father Altman. They're trying to fire him. 134 Scott Held Scott Held 2 months ago Through the battle, and into the fight, Archangel Michael never leave thee, day or night. Amen ☝️💪❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏💪☝️ 259 Pamela Novelli Pamela Novelli 2 months ago (edited) I pray the rosary daily and doing so has changed my life and my roommate's too! She became Catholic after yrs of not committing to any faith! She said the photo of Jesus attached to the divine mercy chaplet converted her! 81 Tate SC Tate SC 2 months ago "Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in battle array?" Pray for us O holy Mother of God.✝ 73 Ambrose McLaren Ambrose McLaren 2 months ago (edited) A fine Austrailian priest once gave a sermon on a First Saturday around 1988. He said Our Lady came to Fatima to tell us one thing. That is, "Hell is real and we may go there." He then said she gave us the remedy to save us from those eternal fires. That remedy is the devotion to her Immaculate Heart and the devotion to her holy rosary, which Sr Lucia tells us has received a great new efficacy in our times. Some wise person provided copies of this sermon and I received one. I have never been able to forget this. It is the bottom line. Death and Judgment. Heaven or hell for all eternity. My Jesus, mercy. Mary, help us. 139 Carrie Jones Carrie Jones 2 months ago Thank you, Father! The congregation's voice reminds me of my very early childhood Masses in the early '70s when men's strong voices still dominated the sound of the congregation's prayer. 103 Leigh O Leigh O 2 months ago This priest will soon be fired for preaching Father Altman. 26 J MJ J MJ 1 month ago If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first 18 Maria Teresa Maria Teresa 2 months ago (edited) "Say the Rosary every day, to bring peace to the world and the end of the war." - Our Lady of Fatima (June 13, 1917) 🙏Deo Gratias.🙏Ave Maria🙏 138 OutOf Stamps OutOf Stamps 2 months ago Mother Marry was weeping during her son's passion, for thousands of years she continues to weep for her children yet we continue to sin, it pains her greatly. Pray the rosary every day and pray reparations for yourself. Be one of the righteous not one of the wicked. 33 pam guevara pam guevara 2 months ago HAIL MARY FULL OF GRACE THE LORD IS WITH THEE🙏🙏🙏🇨🇿🇨🇿🇨🇿

Vatican Fraud and Embezzlement 'Trial of the Century' Begins | EWTN News...

Vatican Fraud and Embezzlement 'Trial of the Century' Begins | EWTN News Nightly 6,884 views Jul 27, 2021 189 5 Share Save EWTN 559K subscribers Tuesday morning at the Vatican, a trial started for the management of funds by the Secretariat of State. Ten defendants are involved, including Cardinal Angelo Becciu. The hearing is dedicated to procedural questions. Rome Correspondent, Colm Flynn, joins to tell us more about the trial. Flynn shares whether the Holy Father has said anything about the trial. In the case against Cardinal Becciu, which has been building for the past number of years, there is also a woman on trial. Flynn explains who she is and what her connection is. He discusses what will happen next in the trial. EWTN News Nightly provides the latest news and analysis from a Catholic perspective. Join host Tracy Sabol, our Capitol Hill, White House and Rome Correspondents, as well as many other diverse guests daily, to get the latest from the U.S. and the Vatican on topics regarding our Catholic faith and interests. ------------- EWTN News Nightly airs on EWTN weekdays at 6pm & 9pm ET. ------------ Don't miss an episode of EWTN New Nightly. Get updates here: ------------- Sign up today to receive the EWTN News Nightly newsletter: ------------- Follow EWTN News Nightly on Social Media: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: ------------- Subscribe to EWTN YouTube channel here: ------------- You can support the EWTN News mission: Comments are turned off. Learn more

Pope Benedict XVI Breaks His Silence

5 Pope Benedict XVI Breaks His Silence 24,889 views Jul 28, 2021 2.2K 26 Share Thanks Save Return To Tradition 82.2K subscribers Pope Benedict XVI emerges from his silent life in the Vatican to speak on the Church in Germany and the need to live faithful lives as Catholics. Join this channel to get access to perks: sponsored by: Sources: Contact Me: Email: Support My Work: Patreon SubscribeStar Physical Mail: Anthony Stine PO Box 3048 Shawnee, OK 74802 Follow me on the following social media: Back Up +JMJ+ 291 Comments Auggie Giuseppe Add a public comment... Auggie Giuseppe Auggie Giuseppe 0 seconds ago THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH YOUR HOLINESS!!! It's about time you spoke to us, esp NOW~! Pray for us EVER Rebecca DelValle Rebecca DelValle 6 hours ago Better late than never. I hope he will continue to address these serious issues that are plaguing our Church. Praying ardently for our faith. 30 Khethatipet Khethatipet 7 hours ago Liberalism was a mistake. Pope Benedict is emulating Jesus Christ in his generosity of vision, but the message is lost on many I'm sure. Secularization must be condemned if more souls are to be saved -- the Church will not be prevailed against, but it will be shrunk and especially in Germany. 15 Joe Francis Joe Francis 9 hours ago The German Catholic Church has been an utter disgrace for decades, but it’s also the demonstration of what happens when you have no supernatural faith. 146 Al Tudy Al Tudy 8 hours ago Not a Catholic myself but always felt that Benedict xvi was a real Pope. A man of such intelligence, learning and scholarship as well as humility and spirituality. His every pronouncement as Pope was obviously the fruit of profound thought and consideration, unlike the current pontiff who makes off the cuff remarks which end up contradicting one another. Francis really lacks that quality of 'popeness' which all his predecessors from Pius xii onwards had (sorry, I am not old enough to remember back further). His demeanour and attitude always strike me as if he was someone elected to the papal throne by some freakish accident, rather like Peter Sellers in the film 'Being There'. I say this as a sympathetic and objective observer of Catholic affairs. No offence intended. 66 Mimi Ness Mimi Ness 7 hours ago "Children, pray for my consecrated so that they might convert their hearts. Reading the Word of God from the pulpit is easy, but some who ought to be shepherds for the lost sheep vomit words dictated by the devil when opening their mouth." Our Lady of Peace. 16 William Tate William Tate 9 hours ago I sense that Pope Benedict XVI is being held under "house arrest" in the Vatican basement. We pray for him. Jesus I trust in You. Ave Maria. 42 Al Swann Al Swann 9 hours ago Yes, it's too little and obviously too late. He had his chance to tackle the the German heretics when he was Pope and passed on any meaningful action This didn't happen overnight. 70 William Tate William Tate 9 hours ago I sense that Pope Benedict XVI is being held under "house arrest" in the Vatican basement. We pray for him. Jesus I trust in You. Ave Maria. 58 Zigbee Gooblesnort Zigbee Gooblesnort 7 hours ago Pray that the sacraligous packumama hugger and his pack of sacrilegious perfumed princess have a conversion. 18 S.L. Hill S.L. Hill 9 hours ago It's just a shame that Pope Benedict could not come forward and say more about his thoughts on everything that Francis has been saying and doing. I'm sure that there's a reason for that. I do wish he had spoken up sooner about the happenings in the church in Germany, but I'm sure there's a reason for that as well. I'm glad he did finally say something though so that we know his thoughts instead of opining about them. 69 Kim Pozon Kim Pozon 6 hours ago Let us pray for our father Benedict for strength and francis for conversion 14 John Fisher John Fisher 8 hours ago Benedict no doubt has spoken his mind about the attack on the traditional Mass to Francis directly. He is reminding his own country and the Catholics there not to appease the kultur as they have done so often. Surely the Germans grasp...dont elevate the kultur to idolatry. Don't do it...everytime you do you bring about your own destruction. 33 Kenneth Sage Kenneth Sage 8 hours ago Don't stop telling people about our faith! 12 Charlotte Ulbricht Charlotte Ulbricht 8 hours ago In Berlin (the capital of Germany) there are only two churches that celebrate the latin mass, the one belongs the the SSPX, the other (St Afra + Institut St Philipp Neri) was supported by Benedict XVI. It is now threatened by Pope Francis but our brave provost (P. Goesche) resists! Please pray for our two churches! In a report by bishop Fellay he said that outwardly Pope Benedict XVI must show distance to the traditionalists (like SSPX) but that behind the scenes the Pope showed much more sympathy and inclination towards them, but publicly he was/is constrained to negate that. God bless that channel! 56 Tom Baird Tom Baird 6 hours ago Too little, too late is exactly right. Two doors were flung wide open to the demonic. One in Germany… the other in Rome during the mama earth garden party. Our Lady of Revelation gives us a clear picture of what is on the horizon. Pray, pray, pray… penance, penance, penance. 10 Kimberly Young Kimberly Young 9 hours ago Thank you Anthony for keeping me updated on everything that is going on in the church..🙏🏻🙏🏻 35 Ann Sobieski Ann Sobieski 6 hours ago (edited) Is there a better snapshot of the church right now… former Pope speaking about the radicalization of the Church. It is surreal. Lord, have mercy. 7 Janete Chaney Janete Chaney 7 hours ago Not the Church is worldly. Bishops, schools, theologians are worldly. All the popes before, always wrote to bishops and other teachers within correcting or warning them of heresies. The Church is perfect and doesn’t need correction. It’s man who needs correction. Modernists are trying to correct the Church because they dont believe the Church is a divine institution. 60 szudy76 szudy76 6 hours ago I thought Benedict “retired” because of health? He could’ve stayed Pope and done us all a favor. 22 liz johnston liz johnston 8 hours ago Maybe Pope Benedict can keep speaking to the German bishops any time he wishes to speak to the faithful without seeming to be going over the pope's head 7 Maureen Redler Maureen Redler 4 hours ago Our Lord has clearly expressed His displeasure with plagues and destructive flooding 5 leev jr leev jr 3 hours ago (edited) Ratzinger was largely ignored and his writings filed away when he 'was' Pope; and so why would he enjoy any greater affect on The Church now? Benedict XVI was just a loyal extension of JPII and maybe "the brains" during the Wojtyla years which presided over a great scattering that started with Vatican II. Let's not re-write recent history or worse yet relive it, but rather take a sober assessment of it. 3 Raymond Ciarleglio Raymond Ciarleglio 5 hours ago Pray Pope Benedict has one last bit of strength during his passion to rise, pick up his cross, get his shears and shave the sheep 🐑 who are actually wolves 🐺 exposing the apostates and heretics for all to see. Ave Maria. 5 TheLeonhamm TheLeonhamm 8 hours ago This latest intrusion (it is an intrusion, btw, from an emeritus into a current debate) - while welcome - was clearly not composed at the drop of a papal saturno. Nonetheless, it deals deftly with the issues arising now: i) wholesale abandonment of the Catholic Faith, by her pastors and congregations, ii) the whole shamboozle of the 'German' path in experimental synodolatry, and iii) the attack on the realities of .. Sacred Tradition (now, not least, on his own form of Modernism's attempt at an accommodation with it). In some ways, I am rather more shocked (i.e. taken aback) by Benedict XVI's response than in the actions of Francis' clique. Not for the words, but because of their startlingly honest clarity - typical of Papa Ratzinger, of course, but not usual today; he describes nothing less than a state of apostasy within the institutions of the Church (in Germany and outside) - wrought against and in defiance of the Faithful (few as they are); if you desire a compact description of diabolic disorientation, stop here and go through the statement again. St Joseph : Stand by us. Keep the Faith; tell the truth, shame the devil, and let the demons shriek. God bless. ;o) P.S. No one standing outside the Vatican in October AD 1962 could have imagined such a statement from a pope (let alone a retired one). A few ambling about the Vatican in December AD 1965 were already beginning to suspect something like it .. but not the full horror - unveiled. Indeed, many holidaying about the Vatican in the autumn of 1968 CE would have begun to see that process in full swing - yet even they could be forgiven for not appreciating just how far the sense of progressivism would go (nor how high and wide among the instituted leadership and the rules of the radical-rebellionists it could travel). 9 Fr. Bob Fr. Bob 6 hours ago I find it so very interesting that Anglo Catholics have formed Ordinariates thinking they would be safe in Rome. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. The Novus Ordo has a horrible theology behind it, born out of liberation theology. The Anglican form very similar, also born out of liberation theology. Horrible! Many Blessings! Fr. Robert + 8 Sean Degidon Sean Degidon 9 hours ago 📿 Benedict is being Benedict: telling the truth, speaking it with erudition yet simplicity, trying to cut through the noise of daily headlines to the heart of the matter; but the effort is weakened by too much irenicism, too much subtlety, not enough teeth. 🤐 20 William Tate William Tate 9 hours ago I sense that Pope Benedict XVI is being held under "house arrest" in the Vatican basement. We pray for him. Jesus I trust in You. Ave Maria. 49 Mary Woolley Mary Woolley 9 hours ago Breaking away from the "worldliness of the world" is embodied in its fullest when attending the Latin Mass, where heaven and earth meet. The attack on the TLM and the acceptance of, and demand for, certain changes in Church teaching can hardly be divorced. Neither can they co-exist. Prayers for the Church 🙏 18 Wild Bear Wild Bear 6 hours ago I wish not only he did but all priests and bishops who still believe in the Faith would speak out. Where is the leadership? we have so few with courage. It seems like when they have dissent from Church teaching the groups will come out together like in Winnipeg document. Where is the unity when it comes to supporting the Faith? 4 D D D D 7 hours ago Well better late than never his words are always addressed at a problem that needs fixed and I believe this is his way of telling the German bishops to cease before they hurt holy mother church more by their actions and being from a German lineage I do know they get very very stubborn and obstinate they need to cease and desist and put all their focus and efforts back on Christ and the spiritual not the world 3 Wall Sign Wall Sign 9 hours ago Remember that the gates of hell shall not prevail‼️ 19 J. Dean J. Dean 5 hours ago Why isn’t the command of St Paul to kick out those embracing impenitent sin being followed? (I Cor 5) 2 JayReacio JayReacio 6 hours ago Utterly indistinguishable from the church of Calvin?? Calvinists don’t typically ignore the lgbtqlmnop agenda 3 Mary Jo Papaleo Mary Jo Papaleo 3 hours ago The last few sentences of Benedict XVI's installation homily are very telling. "Pray for me, that I may learn to love the Lord more and more. Pray for me, that I may learn to love His flock more and more--in other words, you, the holy Church, each one of you and all of you together. Pray for me, that I may not flee for fear of the wolves..." We did not pray for him as much as we should have. We need to step up, we're still breathing, it's never too late. 3 Jessica Blesses Jessica Blesses 8 hours ago Jesus, Mary and Joseph, please pray for the faithful children of God. Sorrowful Mother, forgive us. Ave Maria 🕊 20 Heather Whitehead Heather Whitehead 9 hours ago They allowed or prompted him to speak purposely at this moment in time and purposely not about the obvious. Because there was talk he is prisoner....and his silence on the matter they prove as his agreement? 14 Ggl Lab1 Ggl Lab1 7 hours ago I secretly hold hope that our Lord will keep Benedict in this world for much much longer than anyone, Benedict himself included, had expected. It would be glorious to see the old pontif still holding on in his Vatican garden refuge, while Francis comes and goes, and as the next pope after that comes, and goes. 10 more years? 15 years? It is not entirely out of the realm of possibility. There would start to be rumours like those surrounding John the Apostle. "If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you?". 7 Steve Davis Steve Davis 2 hours ago Hell may not be able to destroy the only Church that Jesus Christ Himself established here on earth for us, but no parish is safe, and the homosexual clergy has the Church currently in tatters. 2 M. Williams M. Williams 1 hour ago That was a bit of click bait...but, still good info. Benedictine, "handlers" will never let him speak on his true thoughts!! 1 Benny Benny 3 hours ago (edited) Anymore, listening to Vatican II NO Catholics argue is like listening to Protestants argue. Benedict is a modernist. Listening to modernists is never edifying. 2 Theresa Goldschmidt Theresa Goldschmidt 8 hours ago Thank you, Anthony for getting onto this so quickly. Love the TLM tradition. Please pray for South Africa - expropriation of land etc. without compensation couched in communistic, nebulous terminology is being put forward. 6 JB6802 JB6802 1 hour ago Good to know that Benedict is aware of what is going on. I'm assuming he speaks at great risk. 2 Mark Browne Mark Browne 47 minutes ago Detachment is something we as laity need to talk more about. through the detachment we weaken the demonic. 1 Anthony Tan Anthony Tan 8 hours ago I feel that in Indonesia, we are in the process of secularizing the Church ! Maybe worse than in Germany, but nobody pays attention. 8 Adam Redsoil Adam Redsoil 5 hours ago (edited) 90% of German bishops now are secular heretics. 2 wms72 wms72 8 hours ago I wonder if he wishes he had not resigned, or whatever he did to throw the Church into such confusion. 5 Tradcat Pat Tradcat Pat 7 hours ago It is telling that as the German church moves perilously close to outright defiance of Rome and Schism, Francis prefers to focus on hamstringing reverence and tradition. It only makes sense for one reason: to damage the Church. And that puts him decidedly on the wrong team. I do wish Pope Benedict XVI had spoken up years earlier. But follow that logic we might as well wish he'd never resigned in the first place. Which, I'd guess, we all sorrowfully DO wish. God bless you, Anthony, very grateful for your work. 5 Sweet Harmony Sweet Harmony 3 hours ago I think Pope Benedict is calling for some "social distancing" between the Church and the world. 😋 1 Robert Weidner Robert Weidner 4 hours ago One could argue, "Does that Latin Rite still exist?" With all the languages that the Mass is said in today, and all the various prayers that can be said on any given Sunday, is the term "Latin" correct to describe it? Aw Was here Aw Was here 3 hours ago Unfortunately, Benedict abdicated the thrown of Peter to the whims of the fickle voting eligible clergy. ( they should be divinely influence to make the decision best for the Lords church, as men they are prone to errors and evil influence) Benedict no longer has a say in the church or its functions. Yes , he is allowed to speak his mind (maybe ) but it is of no consequence as he is no longer Pope. I’m glad to hear he doesn’t go along with this mess. 1 Joseph Di Russo Joseph Di Russo 4 hours ago “I saw the dead, the great and the lowly, standing before the throne, and scrolls were opened. Then another scroll was opened, the book of life. The dead were judged according to their deeds, by what was written in the scrolls.” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭20:12‬ ‭‬‬ R J Serra R J Serra 5 hours ago It's never too late. However, the later it gets the more difficult and time consuming it is to make corrections. As Jesus pointed out to us, anything is possible with God. 3 tallmikb croft tallmikb croft 7 hours ago (edited) I think it's ok to say "be Holy'. Our Lord said "Be Holy for I Am Holy'. Thanks for doing this work 3 john spizziri john spizziri 3 hours ago What do I think? Benedict is a prisoner. He cannot say much; and I believe Out Lord wishes for him to let this disaster play out to the end. He is commenting on root causes, and is absolutely correct. 2 Maureen Redler Maureen Redler 4 hours ago God bless Pope Benedict. He nailed it. Pray. Pray pray and do penance 2 nolo ishkabibble nolo ishkabibble 8 hours ago "Be in the world but not of the World" The excuse for the changes in the Church from the centuries-old traditions was that the Church was no longer relevant or attuned to the shift from the pastoral life to the urban centered one. Centuries of religious life, political life, and daily life being parts of a whole, were now facing being estranged from each other in the modern world. The trappings of the past with its slow rhythms no longer 'fit' with the rapid evolutions of the present. What didn't change with the pace of the world was quickly labelled obsolete and abandoned - especially in its outward forms. If it looked like something of the past, probably would slow your progression; and survival meant keeping up. The leaders in the Church made a decision to mimic that pace, in order to not seem irrelevant, to escape the taint of being a quaint ancient relic. They made the mistake of exchanging a vibrant spiritual life for the outward show of 'belonging' that chasing fashion makes. And fashion is nothing but the addiction to fleeting fancy, rooted in the tastes of fickle opinion, aimed at pleasing the senses. And now, like an aging supermodel, they are finding the cruel treadmill of plastic surgery and radical diets and outrageous behavior in a desperate attempt to remain relevant, to remain desirable...pandering to a crowd who'll only look at you if you support their follies and feed their perversions. Benedict helped put the Church in that direction - for him to try and turn that course without admitting to a Mistake is all just farting in the wind. 7 John McKeron John McKeron 19 minutes ago Pope Benedict talked about the political Church back in the early sixties and that’s has been Bergoglio trade mark who talks and acts like a politician like all the other corrupt hierarchy 1 No Compromise Catholic Faithful No Compromise Catholic Faithful 11 minutes ago If Benedict really "retired", he'd be going by the name Ratzinger. He knows he was run ot of office and that he didn't leave the office properly. Pray for the Pope. He's got to get this Vatican ii 💩 out of his head, return to Tradition, and finally do the job of Pope and consecrate Russia. Ave Maria Ave Maria 6 hours ago The land of Luther... 2 Martin Bliley Martin Bliley 4 hours ago Thank you . Unfortunate Pope Francis is a nightmare. Each month is more nightmare from him. Penance for the Catholic 2 Bradley Hoyt Bradley Hoyt 10 hours ago This is just infuriating! 😡 IM SO SICK OF LIBERALISM!!!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡 18 Karen Patota, Founder of A Baby's Breath Karen Patota, Founder of A Baby's Breath 6 hours ago Accepting government money for doing Catholic work should be forbidden. It puts the control of the faith based organization outside of the control of the organization, and it doesn't base its support on God. A Baby's Breath does not accept government money and the integrity of our mission stays pure. The German church was very dependent on government support. 1 EricB EricB 1 hour ago We’re forced underground into catacombs called FSSP, ICKSP, and SSPX G Dasan G Dasan 8 hours ago (edited) Why doesn’t Benedict speak out about the heresy of Francis? When Benedict became Pope, he said to pray he doesn’t flee from the wolves. Well…looks like he fled from the wolves. Much as I wish he hadn’t, even the best of us still has human failings. He may say a few words here and there, but I’m not holding my breath for anything of true significance. I’d love to be wrong. 15 Virginia A Virginia A 2 hours ago Pray for the Virgin Mary’s message to have Presidents over other issues in the church. Remember when the blessed virgin Mary Came to Fatima she gave 3 secrets remember her plead for the pope to consecrate Russia to the immaculate heart of Mary then then the immaculate heart of Mary will triumph Richard Thornton Richard Thornton 1 hour ago Withdrawing from the not mean detachment from reality!! It means setting a standard for participation in the world from a Roman Catholic perspective. One embraces the "Reality of Jesus Christ" to witness in the world. Modernism of Bergoglio has nothing to do with this. The world replaces God!! Everything is defiled by these people including replacing the Traditional Monstrance with a Pachamama Pagan Instrument!! On the Churches present course, Traditional Catholicism appears slated for extinction!! They are trying to get the Traditional Catholic Church as a dead horse on the back forty that with sufficient time an adrenaline heart injection will not even give a twitch!! Bergoglio like his German Stooges are working 24/7 to dismantle the Church!! Remaining faithful must go all out against this!! "Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints!!" 1 Christof Bernhart Christof Bernhart 3 hours ago Tradition is essential in the Catholic Church because it is understood as a revelation of the Holy Spirit. The new Mass is not merely the old Mass in a national language, but something quite different. The Holy Mass is not a reminder of the Lord's Supper, as with Protestants, but it is the offering of Jesus to his Father in flesh and blood. The priest ascends Golgotha with the three steps before the altar. No one understands why the Second Vatican Council turned the Catholic Church into a second Protestant community. That already exists and there is no need for a second one. There is no schism in the Catholic Church, the Council Church stands as a Protestant sect outside the Catholic Church. The clergy have lost their orientation and are wandering around like lost sheep. Should they give in to the spirit of the times or stick to the revelation? How do they still want to give orientation to the faithful? No wonder the churches are deserted. It is clear that hermeneutics has its limits; one cannot turn the statements of Holy Scripture into their opposite by interpretation. The solution is not to ingratiate oneself with the spirit of the times, but to turn to tradition and thus to God. A Catholic lives in this world, but is not of this world. The figures also confirm that the traditional communities are growing slowly but steadily every year, with a very young average age. 1 Lyman Copps Lyman Copps 9 hours ago Where would we be now if Benedict never resigned? 5 Vickie Cummings Vickie Cummings 3 hours ago I am very thankful that Pope Benedict DID speak out against the German Church moving away from the Roman Church. After all, that is where all this upheaval began, right? He needed to present where exactly he stood in reference to everything going on. And I believe he may have hit “the nail on its head.” Thank you, Mr. Stein 1 Michael Stoddard Michael Stoddard 1 minute ago Yes I am a 70 who was raised as a mormon and have been looking at the catholic church for the last decade BUT withhout the Latin Mass and given the current direction under Pope F, i seriously doubt that I will now make the effort... lramos45 lramos45 1 hour ago The fact that you have to translate what he said to us in plain English is sad. There was no ambiguity in Francis’s latest motu proprio! Terror of Demons and Padre Pio Terror of Demons and Padre Pio 3 hours ago I have never clicked a video so quickly as I did this one! Not expecting this as the topic,it was great nevertheless ! I feel like it is too late but then again, better late than never. Some of the quotes here from Benedict show truly how a shepherd should be to his sheep of the Church. Absolutley beautiful! One doesn't see such shepherding done by the current pontiff! Gracie Mitchem Gracie Mitchem 48 minutes ago How is Francis still pope if he lacks faith? 1 Mimi Ness Mimi Ness 7 hours ago Partial Message by the Virgin Mary: " Beloved children, pray, pray, pray: war is at the gates, pray for the powerful of the earth so that they might take decisions different from those already established. Pray for America, which will be punished for having accepted everything that is against God. Once again I tell you: if God and prayer are not in your lives, you will not have hope; raise up songs of praise and read the Bible during the day. My beloveds, ecclesial Freemasonry wants a single church, with a single religion; the Church must rather follow in the footsteps of her fathers, because she is holy, Catholic, apostolic, founded on Peter. They no longer recognize Jesus alive in the Eucharist, and many of them are leading my children into the clutches of the devil. Children, there will be persecution, even because of the name of Jesus, but those who have faith will never have anything to fear, because Jesus will be your comfort and your serenity, and I who am your Mother will always protect my little remnant together with the my angels". 7 martin ginge martin ginge 1 hour ago I'm concerned more with the definition you put up Deposit of Faith which appears at 2:31 on the above video. I'm not sure where you found it, but it appears deeply suspicious to me. It's not only found in the written Word it resides within the main elements if Tradition itself. It is itself a product of Tradition.. Nicolás Fernández Aranda Nicolás Fernández Aranda 6 hours ago Vatican II is not only the dream of the Alta Bendita. It was also de work of protestantized "Catholic" German theologians like Rahner and Ratzinger, children of the Tubingen Protestant spirit. Deone forpeace Deone forpeace 5 hours ago Domination=Hallucinations in our Paradise=Zombies on others…♥️ Lany Alqurum Lany Alqurum 55 minutes ago Prayers for Pope Benedict XVI🙏🧎🏻‍♀️❤️ Auggie Giuseppe Auggie Giuseppe 4 minutes ago THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH YOUR HOLINESS!!! It's about time you spoke to us, esp NOW~! Pray for us EVER David Stanton David Stanton 9 hours ago The pope Emeritus must intervien again .it's clear who the true father of the church is...this one note is of much value let's hope the POPE Emeritus will stick around more 4 Vinod Sailesh Vinod Sailesh 8 hours ago It pains one to have had to carry two holy Fathers in these end times. Jesus knows our every weakness take it to the Lord in prayer as to - Why the departure that for whatever the reasons - Why had he to resign that today even Pope Francis would surely feeling awkward that a Pope is there to checkmate. Well it is the end times and the answer too will not be long in the coming. Let us come to the bridge. 10 GODS' FRONTLINE GODS' FRONTLINE 5 hours ago Spot on! Amen! 1 jhon viel jhon viel 12 minutes ago you have no power here, Mammon flies his banners here. but something stirs in the soil beneath... Shirani Jayatilaka Shirani Jayatilaka 5 hours ago No wonder Germany is having so much rain and floods this is punishment from God CA 5 Pope Benedict XVI Breaks His Silence 24,889 views Jul 28, 2021 2.2K 26 Share Thanks Save Return To Tradition 82.2K subscribers Pope Benedict XVI emerges from his silent life in the Vatican to speak on the Church in Germany and the need to live faithful lives as Catholics. Join this channel to get access to perks: sponsored by: Sources: Contact Me: Email: Support My Work: Patreon SubscribeStar Physical Mail: Anthony Stine PO Box 3048 Shawnee, OK 74802 Follow me on the following social media: Back Up +JMJ+ 291 Comments Auggie Giuseppe Add a public comment... Auggie Giuseppe Auggie Giuseppe 0 seconds ago THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH YOUR HOLINESS!!! It's about time you spoke to us, esp NOW~! Pray for us EVER Rebecca DelValle Rebecca DelValle 6 hours ago Better late than never. I hope he will continue to address these serious issues that are plaguing our Church. Praying ardently for our faith. 30 Khethatipet Khethatipet 7 hours ago Liberalism was a mistake. Pope Benedict is emulating Jesus Christ in his generosity of vision, but the message is lost on many I'm sure. Secularization must be condemned if more souls are to be saved -- the Church will not be prevailed against, but it will be shrunk and especially in Germany. 15 Joe Francis Joe Francis 9 hours ago The German Catholic Church has been an utter disgrace for decades, but it’s also the demonstration of what happens when you have no supernatural faith. 146 Al Tudy Al Tudy 8 hours ago Not a Catholic myself but always felt that Benedict xvi was a real Pope. A man of such intelligence, learning and scholarship as well as humility and spirituality. His every pronouncement as Pope was obviously the fruit of profound thought and consideration, unlike the current pontiff who makes off the cuff remarks which end up contradicting one another. Francis really lacks that quality of 'popeness' which all his predecessors from Pius xii onwards had (sorry, I am not old enough to remember back further). His demeanour and attitude always strike me as if he was someone elected to the papal throne by some freakish accident, rather like Peter Sellers in the film 'Being There'. I say this as a sympathetic and objective observer of Catholic affairs. No offence intended. 66 Mimi Ness Mimi Ness 7 hours ago "Children, pray for my consecrated so that they might convert their hearts. Reading the Word of God from the pulpit is easy, but some who ought to be shepherds for the lost sheep vomit words dictated by the devil when opening their mouth." Our Lady of Peace. 16 William Tate William Tate 9 hours ago I sense that Pope Benedict XVI is being held under "house arrest" in the Vatican basement. We pray for him. Jesus I trust in You. Ave Maria. 42 Al Swann Al Swann 9 hours ago Yes, it's too little and obviously too late. He had his chance to tackle the the German heretics when he was Pope and passed on any meaningful action This didn't happen overnight. 70 William Tate William Tate 9 hours ago I sense that Pope Benedict XVI is being held under "house arrest" in the Vatican basement. We pray for him. Jesus I trust in You. Ave Maria. 58 Zigbee Gooblesnort Zigbee Gooblesnort 7 hours ago Pray that the sacraligous packumama hugger and his pack of sacrilegious perfumed princess have a conversion. 18 S.L. Hill S.L. Hill 9 hours ago It's just a shame that Pope Benedict could not come forward and say more about his thoughts on everything that Francis has been saying and doing. I'm sure that there's a reason for that. I do wish he had spoken up sooner about the happenings in the church in Germany, but I'm sure there's a reason for that as well. I'm glad he did finally say something though so that we know his thoughts instead of opining about them. 69 Kim Pozon Kim Pozon 6 hours ago Let us pray for our father Benedict for strength and francis for conversion 14 John Fisher John Fisher 8 hours ago Benedict no doubt has spoken his mind about the attack on the traditional Mass to Francis directly. He is reminding his own country and the Catholics there not to appease the kultur as they have done so often. Surely the Germans grasp...dont elevate the kultur to idolatry. Don't do it...everytime you do you bring about your own destruction. 33 Kenneth Sage Kenneth Sage 8 hours ago Don't stop telling people about our faith! 12 Charlotte Ulbricht Charlotte Ulbricht 8 hours ago In Berlin (the capital of Germany) there are only two churches that celebrate the latin mass, the one belongs the the SSPX, the other (St Afra + Institut St Philipp Neri) was supported by Benedict XVI. It is now threatened by Pope Francis but our brave provost (P. Goesche) resists! Please pray for our two churches! In a report by bishop Fellay he said that outwardly Pope Benedict XVI must show distance to the traditionalists (like SSPX) but that behind the scenes the Pope showed much more sympathy and inclination towards them, but publicly he was/is constrained to negate that. God bless that channel! 56 Tom Baird Tom Baird 6 hours ago Too little, too late is exactly right. Two doors were flung wide open to the demonic. One in Germany… the other in Rome during the mama earth garden party. Our Lady of Revelation gives us a clear picture of what is on the horizon. Pray, pray, pray… penance, penance, penance. 10 Kimberly Young Kimberly Young 9 hours ago Thank you Anthony for keeping me updated on everything that is going on in the church..🙏🏻🙏🏻 35 Ann Sobieski Ann Sobieski 6 hours ago (edited) Is there a better snapshot of the church right now… former Pope speaking about the radicalization of the Church. It is surreal. Lord, have mercy. 7 Janete Chaney Janete Chaney 7 hours ago Not the Church is worldly. Bishops, schools, theologians are worldly. All the popes before, always wrote to bishops and other teachers within correcting or warning them of heresies. The Church is perfect and doesn’t need correction. It’s man who needs correction. Modernists are trying to correct the Church because they dont believe the Church is a divine institution. 60 szudy76 szudy76 6 hours ago I thought Benedict “retired” because of health? He could’ve stayed Pope and done us all a favor. 22 liz johnston liz johnston 8 hours ago Maybe Pope Benedict can keep speaking to the German bishops any time he wishes to speak to the faithful without seeming to be going over the pope's head 7 Maureen Redler Maureen Redler 4 hours ago Our Lord has clearly expressed His displeasure with plagues and destructive flooding 5 leev jr leev jr 3 hours ago (edited) Ratzinger was largely ignored and his writings filed away when he 'was' Pope; and so why would he enjoy any greater affect on The Church now? Benedict XVI was just a loyal extension of JPII and maybe "the brains" during the Wojtyla years which presided over a great scattering that started with Vatican II. Let's not re-write recent history or worse yet relive it, but rather take a sober assessment of it. 3 Raymond Ciarleglio Raymond Ciarleglio 5 hours ago Pray Pope Benedict has one last bit of strength during his passion to rise, pick up his cross, get his shears and shave the sheep 🐑 who are actually wolves 🐺 exposing the apostates and heretics for all to see. Ave Maria. 5 TheLeonhamm TheLeonhamm 8 hours ago This latest intrusion (it is an intrusion, btw, from an emeritus into a current debate) - while welcome - was clearly not composed at the drop of a papal saturno. Nonetheless, it deals deftly with the issues arising now: i) wholesale abandonment of the Catholic Faith, by her pastors and congregations, ii) the whole shamboozle of the 'German' path in experimental synodolatry, and iii) the attack on the realities of .. Sacred Tradition (now, not least, on his own form of Modernism's attempt at an accommodation with it). In some ways, I am rather more shocked (i.e. taken aback) by Benedict XVI's response than in the actions of Francis' clique. Not for the words, but because of their startlingly honest clarity - typical of Papa Ratzinger, of course, but not usual today; he describes nothing less than a state of apostasy within the institutions of the Church (in Germany and outside) - wrought against and in defiance of the Faithful (few as they are); if you desire a compact description of diabolic disorientation, stop here and go through the statement again. St Joseph : Stand by us. Keep the Faith; tell the truth, shame the devil, and let the demons shriek. God bless. ;o) P.S. No one standing outside the Vatican in October AD 1962 could have imagined such a statement from a pope (let alone a retired one). A few ambling about the Vatican in December AD 1965 were already beginning to suspect something like it .. but not the full horror - unveiled. Indeed, many holidaying about the Vatican in the autumn of 1968 CE would have begun to see that process in full swing - yet even they could be forgiven for not appreciating just how far the sense of progressivism would go (nor how high and wide among the instituted leadership and the rules of the radical-rebellionists it could travel). 9 Fr. Bob Fr. Bob 6 hours ago I find it so very interesting that Anglo Catholics have formed Ordinariates thinking they would be safe in Rome. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. The Novus Ordo has a horrible theology behind it, born out of liberation theology. The Anglican form very similar, also born out of liberation theology. Horrible! Many Blessings! Fr. Robert + 8 Sean Degidon Sean Degidon 9 hours ago 📿 Benedict is being Benedict: telling the truth, speaking it with erudition yet simplicity, trying to cut through the noise of daily headlines to the heart of the matter; but the effort is weakened by too much irenicism, too much subtlety, not enough teeth. 🤐 20 William Tate William Tate 9 hours ago I sense that Pope Benedict XVI is being held under "house arrest" in the Vatican basement. We pray for him. Jesus I trust in You. Ave Maria. 49 Mary Woolley Mary Woolley 9 hours ago Breaking away from the "worldliness of the world" is embodied in its fullest when attending the Latin Mass, where heaven and earth meet. The attack on the TLM and the acceptance of, and demand for, certain changes in Church teaching can hardly be divorced. Neither can they co-exist. Prayers for the Church 🙏 18 Wild Bear Wild Bear 6 hours ago I wish not only he did but all priests and bishops who still believe in the Faith would speak out. Where is the leadership? we have so few with courage. It seems like when they have dissent from Church teaching the groups will come out together like in Winnipeg document. Where is the unity when it comes to supporting the Faith? 4 D D D D 7 hours ago Well better late than never his words are always addressed at a problem that needs fixed and I believe this is his way of telling the German bishops to cease before they hurt holy mother church more by their actions and being from a German lineage I do know they get very very stubborn and obstinate they need to cease and desist and put all their focus and efforts back on Christ and the spiritual not the world 3 Wall Sign Wall Sign 9 hours ago Remember that the gates of hell shall not prevail‼️ 19 J. Dean J. Dean 5 hours ago Why isn’t the command of St Paul to kick out those embracing impenitent sin being followed? (I Cor 5) 2 JayReacio JayReacio 6 hours ago Utterly indistinguishable from the church of Calvin?? Calvinists don’t typically ignore the lgbtqlmnop agenda 3 Mary Jo Papaleo Mary Jo Papaleo 3 hours ago The last few sentences of Benedict XVI's installation homily are very telling. "Pray for me, that I may learn to love the Lord more and more. Pray for me, that I may learn to love His flock more and more--in other words, you, the holy Church, each one of you and all of you together. Pray for me, that I may not flee for fear of the wolves..." We did not pray for him as much as we should have. We need to step up, we're still breathing, it's never too late. 3 Jessica Blesses Jessica Blesses 8 hours ago Jesus, Mary and Joseph, please pray for the faithful children of God. Sorrowful Mother, forgive us. Ave Maria 🕊 20 Heather Whitehead Heather Whitehead 9 hours ago They allowed or prompted him to speak purposely at this moment in time and purposely not about the obvious. Because there was talk he is prisoner....and his silence on the matter they prove as his agreement? 14 Ggl Lab1 Ggl Lab1 7 hours ago I secretly hold hope that our Lord will keep Benedict in this world for much much longer than anyone, Benedict himself included, had expected. It would be glorious to see the old pontif still holding on in his Vatican garden refuge, while Francis comes and goes, and as the next pope after that comes, and goes. 10 more years? 15 years? It is not entirely out of the realm of possibility. There would start to be rumours like those surrounding John the Apostle. "If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you?". 7 Steve Davis Steve Davis 2 hours ago Hell may not be able to destroy the only Church that Jesus Christ Himself established here on earth for us, but no parish is safe, and the homosexual clergy has the Church currently in tatters. 2 M. Williams M. Williams 1 hour ago That was a bit of click bait...but, still good info. Benedictine, "handlers" will never let him speak on his true thoughts!! 1 Benny Benny 3 hours ago (edited) Anymore, listening to Vatican II NO Catholics argue is like listening to Protestants argue. Benedict is a modernist. Listening to modernists is never edifying. 2 Theresa Goldschmidt Theresa Goldschmidt 8 hours ago Thank you, Anthony for getting onto this so quickly. Love the TLM tradition. Please pray for South Africa - expropriation of land etc. without compensation couched in communistic, nebulous terminology is being put forward. 6 JB6802 JB6802 1 hour ago Good to know that Benedict is aware of what is going on. I'm assuming he speaks at great risk. 2 Mark Browne Mark Browne 47 minutes ago Detachment is something we as laity need to talk more about. through the detachment we weaken the demonic. 1 Anthony Tan Anthony Tan 8 hours ago I feel that in Indonesia, we are in the process of secularizing the Church ! Maybe worse than in Germany, but nobody pays attention. 8 Adam Redsoil Adam Redsoil 5 hours ago (edited) 90% of German bishops now are secular heretics. 2 wms72 wms72 8 hours ago I wonder if he wishes he had not resigned, or whatever he did to throw the Church into such confusion. 5 Tradcat Pat Tradcat Pat 7 hours ago It is telling that as the German church moves perilously close to outright defiance of Rome and Schism, Francis prefers to focus on hamstringing reverence and tradition. It only makes sense for one reason: to damage the Church. And that puts him decidedly on the wrong team. I do wish Pope Benedict XVI had spoken up years earlier. But follow that logic we might as well wish he'd never resigned in the first place. Which, I'd guess, we all sorrowfully DO wish. God bless you, Anthony, very grateful for your work. 5 Sweet Harmony Sweet Harmony 3 hours ago I think Pope Benedict is calling for some "social distancing" between the Church and the world. 😋 1 Robert Weidner Robert Weidner 4 hours ago One could argue, "Does that Latin Rite still exist?" With all the languages that the Mass is said in today, and all the various prayers that can be said on any given Sunday, is the term "Latin" correct to describe it? Aw Was here Aw Was here 3 hours ago Unfortunately, Benedict abdicated the thrown of Peter to the whims of the fickle voting eligible clergy. ( they should be divinely influence to make the decision best for the Lords church, as men they are prone to errors and evil influence) Benedict no longer has a say in the church or its functions. Yes , he is allowed to speak his mind (maybe ) but it is of no consequence as he is no longer Pope. I’m glad to hear he doesn’t go along with this mess. 1 Joseph Di Russo Joseph Di Russo 4 hours ago “I saw the dead, the great and the lowly, standing before the throne, and scrolls were opened. Then another scroll was opened, the book of life. The dead were judged according to their deeds, by what was written in the scrolls.” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭20:12‬ ‭‬‬ R J Serra R J Serra 5 hours ago It's never too late. However, the later it gets the more difficult and time consuming it is to make corrections. As Jesus pointed out to us, anything is possible with God. 3 tallmikb croft tallmikb croft 7 hours ago (edited) I think it's ok to say "be Holy'. Our Lord said "Be Holy for I Am Holy'. Thanks for doing this work 3 john spizziri john spizziri 3 hours ago What do I think? Benedict is a prisoner. He cannot say much; and I believe Out Lord wishes for him to let this disaster play out to the end. He is commenting on root causes, and is absolutely correct. 2 Maureen Redler Maureen Redler 4 hours ago God bless Pope Benedict. He nailed it. Pray. Pray pray and do penance 2 nolo ishkabibble nolo ishkabibble 8 hours ago "Be in the world but not of the World" The excuse for the changes in the Church from the centuries-old traditions was that the Church was no longer relevant or attuned to the shift from the pastoral life to the urban centered one. Centuries of religious life, political life, and daily life being parts of a whole, were now facing being estranged from each other in the modern world. The trappings of the past with its slow rhythms no longer 'fit' with the rapid evolutions of the present. What didn't change with the pace of the world was quickly labelled obsolete and abandoned - especially in its outward forms. If it looked like something of the past, probably would slow your progression; and survival meant keeping up. The leaders in the Church made a decision to mimic that pace, in order to not seem irrelevant, to escape the taint of being a quaint ancient relic. They made the mistake of exchanging a vibrant spiritual life for the outward show of 'belonging' that chasing fashion makes. And fashion is nothing but the addiction to fleeting fancy, rooted in the tastes of fickle opinion, aimed at pleasing the senses. And now, like an aging supermodel, they are finding the cruel treadmill of plastic surgery and radical diets and outrageous behavior in a desperate attempt to remain relevant, to remain desirable...pandering to a crowd who'll only look at you if you support their follies and feed their perversions. Benedict helped put the Church in that direction - for him to try and turn that course without admitting to a Mistake is all just farting in the wind. 7 John McKeron John McKeron 19 minutes ago Pope Benedict talked about the political Church back in the early sixties and that’s has been Bergoglio trade mark who talks and acts like a politician like all the other corrupt hierarchy 1 No Compromise Catholic Faithful No Compromise Catholic Faithful 11 minutes ago If Benedict really "retired", he'd be going by the name Ratzinger. He knows he was run ot of office and that he didn't leave the office properly. Pray for the Pope. He's got to get this Vatican ii 💩 out of his head, return to Tradition, and finally do the job of Pope and consecrate Russia. Ave Maria Ave Maria 6 hours ago The land of Luther... 2 Martin Bliley Martin Bliley 4 hours ago Thank you . Unfortunate Pope Francis is a nightmare. Each month is more nightmare from him. Penance for the Catholic 2 Bradley Hoyt Bradley Hoyt 10 hours ago This is just infuriating! 😡 IM SO SICK OF LIBERALISM!!!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡 18 Karen Patota, Founder of A Baby's Breath Karen Patota, Founder of A Baby's Breath 6 hours ago Accepting government money for doing Catholic work should be forbidden. It puts the control of the faith based organization outside of the control of the organization, and it doesn't base its support on God. A Baby's Breath does not accept government money and the integrity of our mission stays pure. The German church was very dependent on government support. 1 EricB EricB 1 hour ago We’re forced underground into catacombs called FSSP, ICKSP, and SSPX G Dasan G Dasan 8 hours ago (edited) Why doesn’t Benedict speak out about the heresy of Francis? When Benedict became Pope, he said to pray he doesn’t flee from the wolves. Well…looks like he fled from the wolves. Much as I wish he hadn’t, even the best of us still has human failings. He may say a few words here and there, but I’m not holding my breath for anything of true significance. I’d love to be wrong. 15 Virginia A Virginia A 2 hours ago Pray for the Virgin Mary’s message to have Presidents over other issues in the church. Remember when the blessed virgin Mary Came to Fatima she gave 3 secrets remember her plead for the pope to consecrate Russia to the immaculate heart of Mary then then the immaculate heart of Mary will triumph Richard Thornton Richard Thornton 1 hour ago Withdrawing from the not mean detachment from reality!! It means setting a standard for participation in the world from a Roman Catholic perspective. One embraces the "Reality of Jesus Christ" to witness in the world. Modernism of Bergoglio has nothing to do with this. The world replaces God!! Everything is defiled by these people including replacing the Traditional Monstrance with a Pachamama Pagan Instrument!! On the Churches present course, Traditional Catholicism appears slated for extinction!! They are trying to get the Traditional Catholic Church as a dead horse on the back forty that with sufficient time an adrenaline heart injection will not even give a twitch!! Bergoglio like his German Stooges are working 24/7 to dismantle the Church!! Remaining faithful must go all out against this!! "Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints!!" 1 Christof Bernhart Christof Bernhart 3 hours ago Tradition is essential in the Catholic Church because it is understood as a revelation of the Holy Spirit. The new Mass is not merely the old Mass in a national language, but something quite different. The Holy Mass is not a reminder of the Lord's Supper, as with Protestants, but it is the offering of Jesus to his Father in flesh and blood. The priest ascends Golgotha with the three steps before the altar. No one understands why the Second Vatican Council turned the Catholic Church into a second Protestant community. That already exists and there is no need for a second one. There is no schism in the Catholic Church, the Council Church stands as a Protestant sect outside the Catholic Church. The clergy have lost their orientation and are wandering around like lost sheep. Should they give in to the spirit of the times or stick to the revelation? How do they still want to give orientation to the faithful? No wonder the churches are deserted. It is clear that hermeneutics has its limits; one cannot turn the statements of Holy Scripture into their opposite by interpretation. The solution is not to ingratiate oneself with the spirit of the times, but to turn to tradition and thus to God. A Catholic lives in this world, but is not of this world. The figures also confirm that the traditional communities are growing slowly but steadily every year, with a very young average age. 1 Lyman Copps Lyman Copps 9 hours ago Where would we be now if Benedict never resigned? 5 Vickie Cummings Vickie Cummings 3 hours ago I am very thankful that Pope Benedict DID speak out against the German Church moving away from the Roman Church. After all, that is where all this upheaval began, right? He needed to present where exactly he stood in reference to everything going on. And I believe he may have hit “the nail on its head.” Thank you, Mr. Stein 1 Michael Stoddard Michael Stoddard 1 minute ago Yes I am a 70 who was raised as a mormon and have been looking at the catholic church for the last decade BUT withhout the Latin Mass and given the current direction under Pope F, i seriously doubt that I will now make the effort... lramos45 lramos45 1 hour ago The fact that you have to translate what he said to us in plain English is sad. There was no ambiguity in Francis’s latest motu proprio! Terror of Demons and Padre Pio Terror of Demons and Padre Pio 3 hours ago I have never clicked a video so quickly as I did this one! Not expecting this as the topic,it was great nevertheless ! I feel like it is too late but then again, better late than never. Some of the quotes here from Benedict show truly how a shepherd should be to his sheep of the Church. Absolutley beautiful! One doesn't see such shepherding done by the current pontiff! Gracie Mitchem Gracie Mitchem 48 minutes ago How is Francis still pope if he lacks faith? 1 Mimi Ness Mimi Ness 7 hours ago Partial Message by the Virgin Mary: " Beloved children, pray, pray, pray: war is at the gates, pray for the powerful of the earth so that they might take decisions different from those already established. Pray for America, which will be punished for having accepted everything that is against God. Once again I tell you: if God and prayer are not in your lives, you will not have hope; raise up songs of praise and read the Bible during the day. My beloveds, ecclesial Freemasonry wants a single church, with a single religion; the Church must rather follow in the footsteps of her fathers, because she is holy, Catholic, apostolic, founded on Peter. They no longer recognize Jesus alive in the Eucharist, and many of them are leading my children into the clutches of the devil. Children, there will be persecution, even because of the name of Jesus, but those who have faith will never have anything to fear, because Jesus will be your comfort and your serenity, and I who am your Mother will always protect my little remnant together with the my angels". 7 martin ginge martin ginge 1 hour ago I'm concerned more with the definition you put up Deposit of Faith which appears at 2:31 on the above video. I'm not sure where you found it, but it appears deeply suspicious to me. It's not only found in the written Word it resides within the main elements if Tradition itself. It is itself a product of Tradition.. Nicolás Fernández Aranda Nicolás Fernández Aranda 6 hours ago Vatican II is not only the dream of the Alta Bendita. It was also de work of protestantized "Catholic" German theologians like Rahner and Ratzinger, children of the Tubingen Protestant spirit. Deone forpeace Deone forpeace 5 hours ago Domination=Hallucinations in our Paradise=Zombies on others…♥️ Lany Alqurum Lany Alqurum 55 minutes ago Prayers for Pope Benedict XVI🙏🧎🏻‍♀️❤️ Auggie Giuseppe Auggie Giuseppe 4 minutes ago THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH YOUR HOLINESS!!! It's about time you spoke to us, esp NOW~! Pray for us EVER David Stanton David Stanton 9 hours ago The pope Emeritus must intervien again .it's clear who the true father of the church is...this one note is of much value let's hope the POPE Emeritus will stick around more 4 Vinod Sailesh Vinod Sailesh 8 hours ago It pains one to have had to carry two holy Fathers in these end times. Jesus knows our every weakness take it to the Lord in prayer as to - Why the departure that for whatever the reasons - Why had he to resign that today even Pope Francis would surely feeling awkward that a Pope is there to checkmate. Well it is the end times and the answer too will not be long in the coming. Let us come to the bridge. 10 GODS' FRONTLINE GODS' FRONTLINE 5 hours ago Spot on! Amen! 1 jhon viel jhon viel 12 minutes ago you have no power here, Mammon flies his banners here. but something stirs in the soil beneath... Shirani Jayatilaka Shirani Jayatilaka 5 hours ago No wonder Germany is having so much rain and floods this is punishment from God CA 5 Pope Benedict XVI Breaks His Silence 24,889 views Jul 28, 2021 2.2K 26 Share Thanks Save Return To Tradition 82.2K subscribers Pope Benedict XVI emerges from his silent life in the Vatican to speak on the Church in Germany and the need to live faithful lives as Catholics. Join this channel to get access to perks: sponsored by: Sources: Contact Me: Email: Support My Work: Patreon SubscribeStar Physical Mail: Anthony Stine PO Box 3048 Shawnee, OK 74802 Follow me on the following social media: Back Up +JMJ+ 291 Comments Auggie Giuseppe Add a public comment... Auggie Giuseppe Auggie Giuseppe 0 seconds ago THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH YOUR HOLINESS!!! It's about time you spoke to us, esp NOW~! Pray for us EVER Rebecca DelValle Rebecca DelValle 6 hours ago Better late than never. I hope he will continue to address these serious issues that are plaguing our Church. Praying ardently for our faith. 30 Khethatipet Khethatipet 7 hours ago Liberalism was a mistake. Pope Benedict is emulating Jesus Christ in his generosity of vision, but the message is lost on many I'm sure. Secularization must be condemned if more souls are to be saved -- the Church will not be prevailed against, but it will be shrunk and especially in Germany. 15 Joe Francis Joe Francis 9 hours ago The German Catholic Church has been an utter disgrace for decades, but it’s also the demonstration of what happens when you have no supernatural faith. 146 Al Tudy Al Tudy 8 hours ago Not a Catholic myself but always felt that Benedict xvi was a real Pope. A man of such intelligence, learning and scholarship as well as humility and spirituality. His every pronouncement as Pope was obviously the fruit of profound thought and consideration, unlike the current pontiff who makes off the cuff remarks which end up contradicting one another. Francis really lacks that quality of 'popeness' which all his predecessors from Pius xii onwards had (sorry, I am not old enough to remember back further). His demeanour and attitude always strike me as if he was someone elected to the papal throne by some freakish accident, rather like Peter Sellers in the film 'Being There'. I say this as a sympathetic and objective observer of Catholic affairs. No offence intended. 66 Mimi Ness Mimi Ness 7 hours ago "Children, pray for my consecrated so that they might convert their hearts. Reading the Word of God from the pulpit is easy, but some who ought to be shepherds for the lost sheep vomit words dictated by the devil when opening their mouth." Our Lady of Peace. 16 William Tate William Tate 9 hours ago I sense that Pope Benedict XVI is being held under "house arrest" in the Vatican basement. We pray for him. Jesus I trust in You. Ave Maria. 42 Al Swann Al Swann 9 hours ago Yes, it's too little and obviously too late. He had his chance to tackle the the German heretics when he was Pope and passed on any meaningful action This didn't happen overnight. 70 William Tate William Tate 9 hours ago I sense that Pope Benedict XVI is being held under "house arrest" in the Vatican basement. We pray for him. Jesus I trust in You. Ave Maria. 58 Zigbee Gooblesnort Zigbee Gooblesnort 7 hours ago Pray that the sacraligous packumama hugger and his pack of sacrilegious perfumed princess have a conversion. 18 S.L. Hill S.L. Hill 9 hours ago It's just a shame that Pope Benedict could not come forward and say more about his thoughts on everything that Francis has been saying and doing. I'm sure that there's a reason for that. I do wish he had spoken up sooner about the happenings in the church in Germany, but I'm sure there's a reason for that as well. I'm glad he did finally say something though so that we know his thoughts instead of opining about them. 69 Kim Pozon Kim Pozon 6 hours ago Let us pray for our father Benedict for strength and francis for conversion 14 John Fisher John Fisher 8 hours ago Benedict no doubt has spoken his mind about the attack on the traditional Mass to Francis directly. He is reminding his own country and the Catholics there not to appease the kultur as they have done so often. Surely the Germans grasp...dont elevate the kultur to idolatry. Don't do it...everytime you do you bring about your own destruction. 33 Kenneth Sage Kenneth Sage 8 hours ago Don't stop telling people about our faith! 12 Charlotte Ulbricht Charlotte Ulbricht 8 hours ago In Berlin (the capital of Germany) there are only two churches that celebrate the latin mass, the one belongs the the SSPX, the other (St Afra + Institut St Philipp Neri) was supported by Benedict XVI. It is now threatened by Pope Francis but our brave provost (P. Goesche) resists! Please pray for our two churches! In a report by bishop Fellay he said that outwardly Pope Benedict XVI must show distance to the traditionalists (like SSPX) but that behind the scenes the Pope showed much more sympathy and inclination towards them, but publicly he was/is constrained to negate that. God bless that channel! 56 Tom Baird Tom Baird 6 hours ago Too little, too late is exactly right. Two doors were flung wide open to the demonic. One in Germany… the other in Rome during the mama earth garden party. Our Lady of Revelation gives us a clear picture of what is on the horizon. Pray, pray, pray… penance, penance, penance. 10 Kimberly Young Kimberly Young 9 hours ago Thank you Anthony for keeping me updated on everything that is going on in the church..🙏🏻🙏🏻 35 Ann Sobieski Ann Sobieski 6 hours ago (edited) Is there a better snapshot of the church right now… former Pope speaking about the radicalization of the Church. It is surreal. Lord, have mercy. 7 Janete Chaney Janete Chaney 7 hours ago Not the Church is worldly. Bishops, schools, theologians are worldly. All the popes before, always wrote to bishops and other teachers within correcting or warning them of heresies. The Church is perfect and doesn’t need correction. It’s man who needs correction. Modernists are trying to correct the Church because they dont believe the Church is a divine institution. 60 szudy76 szudy76 6 hours ago I thought Benedict “retired” because of health? He could’ve stayed Pope and done us all a favor. 22 liz johnston liz johnston 8 hours ago Maybe Pope Benedict can keep speaking to the German bishops any time he wishes to speak to the faithful without seeming to be going over the pope's head 7 Maureen Redler Maureen Redler 4 hours ago Our Lord has clearly expressed His displeasure with plagues and destructive flooding 5 leev jr leev jr 3 hours ago (edited) Ratzinger was largely ignored and his writings filed away when he 'was' Pope; and so why would he enjoy any greater affect on The Church now? Benedict XVI was just a loyal extension of JPII and maybe "the brains" during the Wojtyla years which presided over a great scattering that started with Vatican II. Let's not re-write recent history or worse yet relive it, but rather take a sober assessment of it. 3 Raymond Ciarleglio Raymond Ciarleglio 5 hours ago Pray Pope Benedict has one last bit of strength during his passion to rise, pick up his cross, get his shears and shave the sheep 🐑 who are actually wolves 🐺 exposing the apostates and heretics for all to see. Ave Maria. 5 TheLeonhamm TheLeonhamm 8 hours ago This latest intrusion (it is an intrusion, btw, from an emeritus into a current debate) - while welcome - was clearly not composed at the drop of a papal saturno. Nonetheless, it deals deftly with the issues arising now: i) wholesale abandonment of the Catholic Faith, by her pastors and congregations, ii) the whole shamboozle of the 'German' path in experimental synodolatry, and iii) the attack on the realities of .. Sacred Tradition (now, not least, on his own form of Modernism's attempt at an accommodation with it). In some ways, I am rather more shocked (i.e. taken aback) by Benedict XVI's response than in the actions of Francis' clique. Not for the words, but because of their startlingly honest clarity - typical of Papa Ratzinger, of course, but not usual today; he describes nothing less than a state of apostasy within the institutions of the Church (in Germany and outside) - wrought against and in defiance of the Faithful (few as they are); if you desire a compact description of diabolic disorientation, stop here and go through the statement again. St Joseph : Stand by us. Keep the Faith; tell the truth, shame the devil, and let the demons shriek. God bless. ;o) P.S. No one standing outside the Vatican in October AD 1962 could have imagined such a statement from a pope (let alone a retired one). A few ambling about the Vatican in December AD 1965 were already beginning to suspect something like it .. but not the full horror - unveiled. Indeed, many holidaying about the Vatican in the autumn of 1968 CE would have begun to see that process in full swing - yet even they could be forgiven for not appreciating just how far the sense of progressivism would go (nor how high and wide among the instituted leadership and the rules of the radical-rebellionists it could travel). 9 Fr. Bob Fr. Bob 6 hours ago I find it so very interesting that Anglo Catholics have formed Ordinariates thinking they would be safe in Rome. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. The Novus Ordo has a horrible theology behind it, born out of liberation theology. The Anglican form very similar, also born out of liberation theology. Horrible! Many Blessings! Fr. Robert + 8 Sean Degidon Sean Degidon 9 hours ago 📿 Benedict is being Benedict: telling the truth, speaking it with erudition yet simplicity, trying to cut through the noise of daily headlines to the heart of the matter; but the effort is weakened by too much irenicism, too much subtlety, not enough teeth. 🤐 20 William Tate William Tate 9 hours ago I sense that Pope Benedict XVI is being held under "house arrest" in the Vatican basement. We pray for him. Jesus I trust in You. Ave Maria. 49 Mary Woolley Mary Woolley 9 hours ago Breaking away from the "worldliness of the world" is embodied in its fullest when attending the Latin Mass, where heaven and earth meet. The attack on the TLM and the acceptance of, and demand for, certain changes in Church teaching can hardly be divorced. Neither can they co-exist. Prayers for the Church 🙏 18 Wild Bear Wild Bear 6 hours ago I wish not only he did but all priests and bishops who still believe in the Faith would speak out. Where is the leadership? we have so few with courage. It seems like when they have dissent from Church teaching the groups will come out together like in Winnipeg document. Where is the unity when it comes to supporting the Faith? 4 D D D D 7 hours ago Well better late than never his words are always addressed at a problem that needs fixed and I believe this is his way of telling the German bishops to cease before they hurt holy mother church more by their actions and being from a German lineage I do know they get very very stubborn and obstinate they need to cease and desist and put all their focus and efforts back on Christ and the spiritual not the world 3 Wall Sign Wall Sign 9 hours ago Remember that the gates of hell shall not prevail‼️ 19 J. Dean J. Dean 5 hours ago Why isn’t the command of St Paul to kick out those embracing impenitent sin being followed? (I Cor 5) 2 JayReacio JayReacio 6 hours ago Utterly indistinguishable from the church of Calvin?? Calvinists don’t typically ignore the lgbtqlmnop agenda 3 Mary Jo Papaleo Mary Jo Papaleo 3 hours ago The last few sentences of Benedict XVI's installation homily are very telling. "Pray for me, that I may learn to love the Lord more and more. Pray for me, that I may learn to love His flock more and more--in other words, you, the holy Church, each one of you and all of you together. Pray for me, that I may not flee for fear of the wolves..." We did not pray for him as much as we should have. We need to step up, we're still breathing, it's never too late. 3 Jessica Blesses Jessica Blesses 8 hours ago Jesus, Mary and Joseph, please pray for the faithful children of God. Sorrowful Mother, forgive us. Ave Maria 🕊 20 Heather Whitehead Heather Whitehead 9 hours ago They allowed or prompted him to speak purposely at this moment in time and purposely not about the obvious. Because there was talk he is prisoner....and his silence on the matter they prove as his agreement? 14 Ggl Lab1 Ggl Lab1 7 hours ago I secretly hold hope that our Lord will keep Benedict in this world for much much longer than anyone, Benedict himself included, had expected. It would be glorious to see the old pontif still holding on in his Vatican garden refuge, while Francis comes and goes, and as the next pope after that comes, and goes. 10 more years? 15 years? It is not entirely out of the realm of possibility. There would start to be rumours like those surrounding John the Apostle. "If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you?". 7 Steve Davis Steve Davis 2 hours ago Hell may not be able to destroy the only Church that Jesus Christ Himself established here on earth for us, but no parish is safe, and the homosexual clergy has the Church currently in tatters. 2 M. Williams M. Williams 1 hour ago That was a bit of click bait...but, still good info. Benedictine, "handlers" will never let him speak on his true thoughts!! 1 Benny Benny 3 hours ago (edited) Anymore, listening to Vatican II NO Catholics argue is like listening to Protestants argue. Benedict is a modernist. Listening to modernists is never edifying. 2 Theresa Goldschmidt Theresa Goldschmidt 8 hours ago Thank you, Anthony for getting onto this so quickly. Love the TLM tradition. Please pray for South Africa - expropriation of land etc. without compensation couched in communistic, nebulous terminology is being put forward. 6 JB6802 JB6802 1 hour ago Good to know that Benedict is aware of what is going on. I'm assuming he speaks at great risk. 2 Mark Browne Mark Browne 47 minutes ago Detachment is something we as laity need to talk more about. through the detachment we weaken the demonic. 1 Anthony Tan Anthony Tan 8 hours ago I feel that in Indonesia, we are in the process of secularizing the Church ! Maybe worse than in Germany, but nobody pays attention. 8 Adam Redsoil Adam Redsoil 5 hours ago (edited) 90% of German bishops now are secular heretics. 2 wms72 wms72 8 hours ago I wonder if he wishes he had not resigned, or whatever he did to throw the Church into such confusion. 5 Tradcat Pat Tradcat Pat 7 hours ago It is telling that as the German church moves perilously close to outright defiance of Rome and Schism, Francis prefers to focus on hamstringing reverence and tradition. It only makes sense for one reason: to damage the Church. And that puts him decidedly on the wrong team. I do wish Pope Benedict XVI had spoken up years earlier. But follow that logic we might as well wish he'd never resigned in the first place. Which, I'd guess, we all sorrowfully DO wish. God bless you, Anthony, very grateful for your work. 5 Sweet Harmony Sweet Harmony 3 hours ago I think Pope Benedict is calling for some "social distancing" between the Church and the world. 😋 1 Robert Weidner Robert Weidner 4 hours ago One could argue, "Does that Latin Rite still exist?" With all the languages that the Mass is said in today, and all the various prayers that can be said on any given Sunday, is the term "Latin" correct to describe it? Aw Was here Aw Was here 3 hours ago Unfortunately, Benedict abdicated the thrown of Peter to the whims of the fickle voting eligible clergy. ( they should be divinely influence to make the decision best for the Lords church, as men they are prone to errors and evil influence) Benedict no longer has a say in the church or its functions. Yes , he is allowed to speak his mind (maybe ) but it is of no consequence as he is no longer Pope. I’m glad to hear he doesn’t go along with this mess. 1 Joseph Di Russo Joseph Di Russo 4 hours ago “I saw the dead, the great and the lowly, standing before the throne, and scrolls were opened. Then another scroll was opened, the book of life. The dead were judged according to their deeds, by what was written in the scrolls.” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭20:12‬ ‭‬‬ R J Serra R J Serra 5 hours ago It's never too late. However, the later it gets the more difficult and time consuming it is to make corrections. As Jesus pointed out to us, anything is possible with God. 3 tallmikb croft tallmikb croft 7 hours ago (edited) I think it's ok to say "be Holy'. Our Lord said "Be Holy for I Am Holy'. Thanks for doing this work 3 john spizziri john spizziri 3 hours ago What do I think? Benedict is a prisoner. He cannot say much; and I believe Out Lord wishes for him to let this disaster play out to the end. He is commenting on root causes, and is absolutely correct. 2 Maureen Redler Maureen Redler 4 hours ago God bless Pope Benedict. He nailed it. Pray. Pray pray and do penance 2 nolo ishkabibble nolo ishkabibble 8 hours ago "Be in the world but not of the World" The excuse for the changes in the Church from the centuries-old traditions was that the Church was no longer relevant or attuned to the shift from the pastoral life to the urban centered one. Centuries of religious life, political life, and daily life being parts of a whole, were now facing being estranged from each other in the modern world. The trappings of the past with its slow rhythms no longer 'fit' with the rapid evolutions of the present. What didn't change with the pace of the world was quickly labelled obsolete and abandoned - especially in its outward forms. If it looked like something of the past, probably would slow your progression; and survival meant keeping up. The leaders in the Church made a decision to mimic that pace, in order to not seem irrelevant, to escape the taint of being a quaint ancient relic. They made the mistake of exchanging a vibrant spiritual life for the outward show of 'belonging' that chasing fashion makes. And fashion is nothing but the addiction to fleeting fancy, rooted in the tastes of fickle opinion, aimed at pleasing the senses. And now, like an aging supermodel, they are finding the cruel treadmill of plastic surgery and radical diets and outrageous behavior in a desperate attempt to remain relevant, to remain desirable...pandering to a crowd who'll only look at you if you support their follies and feed their perversions. Benedict helped put the Church in that direction - for him to try and turn that course without admitting to a Mistake is all just farting in the wind. 7 John McKeron John McKeron 19 minutes ago Pope Benedict talked about the political Church back in the early sixties and that’s has been Bergoglio trade mark who talks and acts like a politician like all the other corrupt hierarchy 1 No Compromise Catholic Faithful No Compromise Catholic Faithful 11 minutes ago If Benedict really "retired", he'd be going by the name Ratzinger. He knows he was run ot of office and that he didn't leave the office properly. Pray for the Pope. He's got to get this Vatican ii 💩 out of his head, return to Tradition, and finally do the job of Pope and consecrate Russia. Ave Maria Ave Maria 6 hours ago The land of Luther... 2 Martin Bliley Martin Bliley 4 hours ago Thank you . Unfortunate Pope Francis is a nightmare. Each month is more nightmare from him. Penance for the Catholic 2 Bradley Hoyt Bradley Hoyt 10 hours ago This is just infuriating! 😡 IM SO SICK OF LIBERALISM!!!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡 18 Karen Patota, Founder of A Baby's Breath Karen Patota, Founder of A Baby's Breath 6 hours ago Accepting government money for doing Catholic work should be forbidden. It puts the control of the faith based organization outside of the control of the organization, and it doesn't base its support on God. A Baby's Breath does not accept government money and the integrity of our mission stays pure. The German church was very dependent on government support. 1 EricB EricB 1 hour ago We’re forced underground into catacombs called FSSP, ICKSP, and SSPX G Dasan G Dasan 8 hours ago (edited) Why doesn’t Benedict speak out about the heresy of Francis? When Benedict became Pope, he said to pray he doesn’t flee from the wolves. Well…looks like he fled from the wolves. Much as I wish he hadn’t, even the best of us still has human failings. He may say a few words here and there, but I’m not holding my breath for anything of true significance. I’d love to be wrong. 15 Virginia A Virginia A 2 hours ago Pray for the Virgin Mary’s message to have Presidents over other issues in the church. Remember when the blessed virgin Mary Came to Fatima she gave 3 secrets remember her plead for the pope to consecrate Russia to the immaculate heart of Mary then then the immaculate heart of Mary will triumph Richard Thornton Richard Thornton 1 hour ago Withdrawing from the not mean detachment from reality!! It means setting a standard for participation in the world from a Roman Catholic perspective. One embraces the "Reality of Jesus Christ" to witness in the world. Modernism of Bergoglio has nothing to do with this. The world replaces God!! Everything is defiled by these people including replacing the Traditional Monstrance with a Pachamama Pagan Instrument!! On the Churches present course, Traditional Catholicism appears slated for extinction!! They are trying to get the Traditional Catholic Church as a dead horse on the back forty that with sufficient time an adrenaline heart injection will not even give a twitch!! Bergoglio like his German Stooges are working 24/7 to dismantle the Church!! Remaining faithful must go all out against this!! "Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints!!" 1 Christof Bernhart Christof Bernhart 3 hours ago Tradition is essential in the Catholic Church because it is understood as a revelation of the Holy Spirit. The new Mass is not merely the old Mass in a national language, but something quite different. The Holy Mass is not a reminder of the Lord's Supper, as with Protestants, but it is the offering of Jesus to his Father in flesh and blood. The priest ascends Golgotha with the three steps before the altar. No one understands why the Second Vatican Council turned the Catholic Church into a second Protestant community. That already exists and there is no need for a second one. There is no schism in the Catholic Church, the Council Church stands as a Protestant sect outside the Catholic Church. The clergy have lost their orientation and are wandering around like lost sheep. Should they give in to the spirit of the times or stick to the revelation? How do they still want to give orientation to the faithful? No wonder the churches are deserted. It is clear that hermeneutics has its limits; one cannot turn the statements of Holy Scripture into their opposite by interpretation. The solution is not to ingratiate oneself with the spirit of the times, but to turn to tradition and thus to God. A Catholic lives in this world, but is not of this world. The figures also confirm that the traditional communities are growing slowly but steadily every year, with a very young average age. 1 Lyman Copps Lyman Copps 9 hours ago Where would we be now if Benedict never resigned? 5 Vickie Cummings Vickie Cummings 3 hours ago I am very thankful that Pope Benedict DID speak out against the German Church moving away from the Roman Church. After all, that is where all this upheaval began, right? He needed to present where exactly he stood in reference to everything going on. And I believe he may have hit “the nail on its head.” Thank you, Mr. Stein 1 Michael Stoddard Michael Stoddard 1 minute ago Yes I am a 70 who was raised as a mormon and have been looking at the catholic church for the last decade BUT withhout the Latin Mass and given the current direction under Pope F, i seriously doubt that I will now make the effort... lramos45 lramos45 1 hour ago The fact that you have to translate what he said to us in plain English is sad. There was no ambiguity in Francis’s latest motu proprio! Terror of Demons and Padre Pio Terror of Demons and Padre Pio 3 hours ago I have never clicked a video so quickly as I did this one! Not expecting this as the topic,it was great nevertheless ! I feel like it is too late but then again, better late than never. Some of the quotes here from Benedict show truly how a shepherd should be to his sheep of the Church. Absolutley beautiful! One doesn't see such shepherding done by the current pontiff! Gracie Mitchem Gracie Mitchem 48 minutes ago How is Francis still pope if he lacks faith? 1 Mimi Ness Mimi Ness 7 hours ago Partial Message by the Virgin Mary: " Beloved children, pray, pray, pray: war is at the gates, pray for the powerful of the earth so that they might take decisions different from those already established. Pray for America, which will be punished for having accepted everything that is against God. Once again I tell you: if God and prayer are not in your lives, you will not have hope; raise up songs of praise and read the Bible during the day. My beloveds, ecclesial Freemasonry wants a single church, with a single religion; the Church must rather follow in the footsteps of her fathers, because she is holy, Catholic, apostolic, founded on Peter. They no longer recognize Jesus alive in the Eucharist, and many of them are leading my children into the clutches of the devil. Children, there will be persecution, even because of the name of Jesus, but those who have faith will never have anything to fear, because Jesus will be your comfort and your serenity, and I who am your Mother will always protect my little remnant together with the my angels". 7 martin ginge martin ginge 1 hour ago I'm concerned more with the definition you put up Deposit of Faith which appears at 2:31 on the above video. I'm not sure where you found it, but it appears deeply suspicious to me. It's not only found in the written Word it resides within the main elements if Tradition itself. It is itself a product of Tradition.. Nicolás Fernández Aranda Nicolás Fernández Aranda 6 hours ago Vatican II is not only the dream of the Alta Bendita. It was also de work of protestantized "Catholic" German theologians like Rahner and Ratzinger, children of the Tubingen Protestant spirit. Deone forpeace Deone forpeace 5 hours ago Domination=Hallucinations in our Paradise=Zombies on others…♥️ Lany Alqurum Lany Alqurum 55 minutes ago Prayers for Pope Benedict XVI🙏🧎🏻‍♀️❤️ Auggie Giuseppe Auggie Giuseppe 4 minutes ago THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH YOUR HOLINESS!!! It's about time you spoke to us, esp NOW~! Pray for us EVER David Stanton David Stanton 9 hours ago The pope Emeritus must intervien again .it's clear who the true father of the church is...this one note is of much value let's hope the POPE Emeritus will stick around more 4 Vinod Sailesh Vinod Sailesh 8 hours ago It pains one to have had to carry two holy Fathers in these end times. Jesus knows our every weakness take it to the Lord in prayer as to - Why the departure that for whatever the reasons - Why had he to resign that today even Pope Francis would surely feeling awkward that a Pope is there to checkmate. Well it is the end times and the answer too will not be long in the coming. Let us come to the bridge. 10 GODS' FRONTLINE GODS' FRONTLINE 5 hours ago Spot on! Amen! 1 jhon viel jhon viel 12 minutes ago you have no power here, Mammon flies his banners here. but something stirs in the soil beneath... Shirani Jayatilaka Shirani Jayatilaka 5 hours ago No wonder Germany is having so much rain and floods this is punishment from God